Hey, from the last few days I’ve noticed that I don’t feel much in my penis when I masturbate. Like I couldn’t find my hand stimulating the skin of my penis and it just feels numb. I still do get erection when I rub it but the ‘good’ sensation is not there.
What can I do for this? Does anyone have an idea?

I have never had sex so I don’t know if you’re actually supposed to feel something in your penis or not.

  1. Firat of all: give yourself a break foe a couple of days. Maybe even 2 weeks. If you’re worried go and see a doctor.

  2. Do you have issues with your feet and or lower back as well? It could be nerve damage, especially if it came suddenly. Did you lift anything heavy or sit too much?

  3. Don’t masturbate as much, wait 2 weeks, if it still feels the same after 2 weeks go to a dr

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