Men of Reddit: How many bones have you broken?

  1. One. I was doing roller blades and I fell on my wrist and the pain was excruciating.

    Fortunately I was young enough that it healed in months.

  2. none thankfully, and i am still trying to figure out how i was able to go so long without breaking any. Ive done some dumb shit,

  3. Both knees, left arm, four toes, one thumb, three ribs and my skull, surprisingly all seperate instances

  4. About a dozen.

    Broken my right arm twice, once both bones, the other time only one.

    Broken my fingers a bunch of times. My left index finder alone has been broken 4 times.

  5. Three – my right arm three times (different areas).

    Could be controversial, but I feel like fingers and toes don’t count unless they’re seriously fucked.

  6. Clavicle, three ribs, right ankle, left foot multiple times, and multiple small bones in both hands.oh and my jaw.

  7. Jawbone, cheekbone, shoulder, rips, lower arm, fingers, pubic bone, lower leg, ankle, toes.

    All on different occasions. Jaw was the most anoying one.

  8. 5 – Right pointer, right fibula, right shoulder blade in 2 places, right wrist, left big toe, and for bonus, left seperated shoulder.

  9. None which is actually pretty crazy considering that i used to do parkour when i was younger and took a lot of damage but never broke anything. My best friend who i used to train with broke a bone twice tho lmao

  10. My jaw, got sucker punched from a guy coming from behind. Then didnt have the balls to ever meet me again so i could return the favor, so still pretty sour about it

  11. One. Middle finger. I can even see where it didn’t properly heal so it’s somewhat bent. I can’t even get a ring past the second knuckle.

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