lefties of Reddit. What are some normal day-to-day things that are irritating or difficult for you?

  1. Speaking for someone else but: writing.

    Finding the right combo of paper and pen that doesn’t wind up smearing drives my mom nuts.

  2. Anything with an expo pen. That science was created just to make lefties lives more difficult

  3. when there are double doors, it’s always the left one thats locked, both ways somehow


    and writing, text was designed to be written with the right hand

  4. Spiral notebooks, scissors, whiteboards. Some phones too–the manufacturer expects it to be held in the left hand, but it’s in my right, so the lock button is right where my thumb goes. And it’s a very sensitive button.

  5. The working class being brain washed into believing that capitalism is benefiting them when it’s benefiting the owning class.

    OOOOHHHH, left handed people.

    Spiral notebooks.

  6. TLDR world was made for 90% of the population and is awkward for the 10%. There are upsides to it but the post asks about downsides

    Scissors. FUCK scissors

    Pens that are tied to those strings, like do you not trust me enough not to steal your shitty as half working 3 cent pen?

    Foldable knives. Try closing a liner lock with your left hand, feels kinda awkward with your index finger in the way of the blade, right?

    If it’s legal where you live (hehe…he…he…) shooting. Gasses always end up in your face, sometimes cases do too. Your eyes are gonna be red no matter what you do short of wearing protective goggles. And have you noticed that most guns don’t come with ambidextrous controls? Some modern designs think about some ambidextrous controls but a lot of them don’t because why would you invest that money into RND for 10% of population and who knows how much % of the byers?

    Any power tool. You’re either required to use your off hand as main or to come up with a “creative” way to completely clumsily and uncomfortably use them and not get injured with a lot of power tools

    Riding a bike. How many times do you need to be precise with your left hand (clutch) vs being precise with your right hand (gas and front brake)? How many times do you need to be precise with left foot (gear up/down) and how many times do you need to be precise with your right foot (rear brake)?

    Fountain pens. Those tips are delicate, they don’t like when you push them into the paper as they’re designed to be pulled and to give thinner and thicker lines depending on the pressure put on the tip

    Watches. How many come with the crown on the left side for your right wrist? Remember, you use your left hand as main, you’re gonna be banging that watch and tearing paper with the bracelet or the buckle if you wear a leather or fabric strap

    Cups and mugs with any kind of design are gonna be facing you, which imo is a plus because I bought that thing because I wanna look at it. But many people want others to see the the thing on the mug. And latte art if you like that stuff? Yeah, no hearts please, the rest mostly just looks like abstract art but hearts look like ballsacks

    When you’re eating you’re gonna be banging elbows with the person to the left of you unless you’re sitting on the left end of your row

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