They even say “Mexico invented the taco, Norway perfected it”

  1. Taco Friday is really big over there. I read a Norwegian give his recipe once. Basically all the veggies he could find on his fridge, norge cheese, taco seasoning, tortilla chips, ground beef, cucumbers, etc. And if it didn’t fit just eat it like a salad.

  2. I would love to hear what Norwegians consider Tex-mex tacos. I have a feeling it is neither Tex nor Mex. 😂

  3. sounds like tacos at any white midwest person’s house, except maybe more veggies? glad they like tacos, but i wouldn’t claim any improvement lol

  4. Yup, I knew about it. Interesting that tacos are popular all the way over there, even if they’re not authentic.

    I used to really care about “food purity” or whatever and made a big deal about how they’re not real tacos and whatnot when I was younger, but now my opinion is if they’re happy then I’m happy.

    Edit: Part of the reason why I’m not so upset about it not being authentic is because of the [shit we do here.](

  5. Sorry Norway, but do not trust you with this for one minute, and don’t wanna think of what sort of abomination you’re calling “TexMex tacos”

  6. This is almost a hate crime!

    But I’m not surprised, seems bad Mexican food is still better than Norwegian food.

  7. Good for them, I guess. When I think Norway I think of Norwegian black metal, so now I’m picturing a group of metalheads in corpse paint, leather, and spikes sitting around a table sharing tacos, and it’s kinda wholesome.

  8. Anything is an improvement over smelly herring. But call that Texmex to an American and they’ll roll their eyes at you because you clearly don’t know the first thing about Texmex.

  9. One of my favorite business trip events was a trip to Switzerland where one night we went to a western themed bar and bowling alley. Lovingly doled out like it was the finest caviar was what could have only been Pace salsa with low cost corn chips.

  10. I was in Norway this summer and learned this when seeing every grocery store had a full taco aisle

    They are just one step further bastardized than the midwest tacos I grew up with lol

  11. I’ve had them.

    They are, quite literally, awful. If you have had real TexMex, you will be scarred for life.

    The use tomato purée and what I guess is paprika instead of chiles. The meat is bland. No likes. They use Northern European cheese. No cotija. None of the spice, heat or layered textures.

    They look like tacos, but they are about as authentic as school lunch pizza is to true Italian pizza.

    Strike that, school lunch pizza was at least tasty.

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