So, my boyfriend (23m) and I (22f) have been together for two years now, and our sex life is great, but the main issue is, my anxiety stops me from initiating sex. Like ever.

I used to be in a relationship where I was told I could never be sexy and that it was gross of me to try and initiate sex, so I just kind of stopped, but I think that’s carried on into this relationship and I need it to stop. My current boyfriend never feels wanted sexually because I never show him I want him, it’s all up to him when we have sex.

Any advice on how to get over this? We’ve spoken about it multiple times, but just the thought of initiating, I start feeling a panic attack coming on. He was so understanding at first, but a year into our relationship, he just couldn’t take it anymore and felt so unwanted. I hate that I’m making the man I love feel this way, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. I guess you two cuddle together? Just take it from there. Get more and more handsy, just take it in your own pace. At some point he will start noticing it and will get hard. Then it’s just a question of experimenting how it works out.

    No one should get told to not feel sexy and initiate some sexy time. It’s your body and your lust so fly with it😋

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