basically the title

  1. A free Hong Kong and Taiwan

    A commitment to the end of the Uyghur Genocide

    And finally a commitment to the safe launch of space-going vessels

  2. If we could reduce tensions around Taiwan and somehow convince them to put more pressure on Russia, that’d be just swell.

  3. Ease some tension on the Taiwan situation. A big, complicated ask obviously, but I’d really rather not see that kick off (and end up dragged into it)

  4. Commitment to reduced carbon emissions. Don’t see us going eye to eye on Taiwan while Xi is in power, so I’d rather the US keep up the pressure there.

  5. Xi doesn’t give a damn what we or our president thinks or has to say on any subject, so I have little hope of anything changing or being accomplished.

  6. Frankly, it’s too late for that. War is the only thing that can cleanse the situation now.

    The outright theft of their tech transfers, one sided trade deals where they force our companies to give up IP and force joint ventures with minority ownership to do business in China, threatening Australia to try to force them into submission, setting up police stations in Europe and New York without approval, meddling in Canadian and US politics.

    They don’t want cooperation. They want Taiwan so they can control shipping lanes throughout Asia and turn Japan and Korea into their vassals.

    1/3 of world trade goes through those lanes. They want to control access.

    They want to become the “Middle Kingdom” again. They want the world to pay tribute to the land “between heaven and earth”.

    They have a fantasy view and are elitist in a Hitleresque way.

    The word 中華 means “the land of civilization in the center of the world.”
    中 means “center” and 華 means “flourish” or “rich in culture,” indicating the pride of the Han Chinese about being in the center of the world, with a higher culture than those of the people surrounding them

  7. All I want is covid to stop impacting the ports, all my counterfeit goods are taking months longer to get (I collect them in case someone is wondering why) hopefully the ports open fully sometime soon, maybe Biden can help

  8. Neither side wants to go to war. The most important issue for the US other than a near term invasion of Taiwan (which is unlikely) is IP theft.

    At the end of the day the world needs a decade for the West and East to build their own independent value chains and eliminate economic dependence on each other. Then they can separate without going to war.

  9. I’d like them to agree on being peaceful and stop all wars from happening. But ik that’s asking too much

  10. I could give a list a mile long of the things I’d like China to do. But they won’t ever do them, and even if they did agree to some of them, the CCP is two faced about damn near every agreement they make. They’ll “agree” to a change when called out, but then as soon as the meetings are over and the Americans aren’t paying attention they’ll revert back to their old ways and never truly be held to their word.

    Basically what I’m saying is that nothing will come from talking to China at this point. Either China needs to lose a war or they need a Soviet style economic and political collapse, neither of which seems likely in the near future.

  11. I want our dependence on China removed. They are not an ally. It is not safe to have anything we need made only in China.

    I want manufacturing brought back to US shores. The good news is that it’s happening. It’ll be really nice to see working class Americans not being fucked over by their own leaders for a change. It’s been 50 years of betrayal. What do you think Trump was about? Trump was the American working class saying that they will burn the country to the ground, if they continue being fucked over by their leaders. Seems like out leaders are finally listening. It never should have required something like Trump.

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