When I was in high school I didn’t think about it much, however, in college, I was super insecure and pretty much assumed all the girls on my course thought I was ugly and weren’t interested in me at all.

I graduated college about 2 years ago now, and on dating apps, these last few months I’ve gotten a decent amount of matches, and a a couple of them are girls I went to college with, who I’d fantasise about, and assumed had absolutely no interest in me in any way.

I also have always thought that people – whether at work or college, or at my Mixed Martial Arts gym – are generally uninterested in being my friend. I’m not sure why but I always assume they don’t like me and are only being polite.

I always reject invitations to hang out (and did that throughout college when guys invited me out) and I rarely attend work socials with colleagues all because I assume the invitations are out of politeness.

The dating app thing has made me think I have a seriously warped self-perfection or some kind of social problem.

Nothing immediately springs to mind about why I tend to assume people don’t like me and no one has really done anything specific or rude that made me think “oh, this guy fucking hates me”. It’s more so, “yeah he’s cool and all but i he probably prefers when i’m not around” or “i’m sure he doesn’t hate me, but he probably doesn’t like me either”.

What’s wrong with me? How do I fix this? Is this common? Have you experienced this?

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