The UK used to be home to large predators such as bears and wolfs. What would be your opinion on reintroducing them, and other once native animals back to the UK?

  1. Pine Martens. They’ll see off all those bloody grey squirrels, but can’t catch the more agile reds.

  2. Re-wilding is amazingly effective at getting nature to rebalance. It has been trialled in Scotland with wolves, Devon with beavers and some other places. All have had massive positive effects.

  3. I dont know how realistically it is but I would be in favour of making national parks no-go zones to any humans and let more animals roam wild there, including predators like wolfs or bobcats

  4. Give us big fuck-off elk again. I know the Irish Elk is long extinct, but regular elk are just as cool, and there are calls to trial their reintroduction.

  5. Lynx (Proposed is Wark/Kielder)

    Beaver (Exeter and Scotland are in trials)

    Wolf (Likely in Scotland to moderate deer)



  6. Lynx (they are so beautiful & ecologically suited), and wolves potentially in Scotland.

    Reintroduce apex predators for a healthy eco system. Rewild non-arable land and restore the temperate rainforest on the west of the island.

  7. Bears, wolves, big cats. Give me the lot. Bollocks to the knock on effects, I want a walk in the woods to be dicing with death

  8. Lynx! And we almost got them not too far from where I live, but it fell through. As I understand it, some people (farmers?) didn’t want them and managed to get the project refused on a technicality.

  9. trip to the park would be more interesting if there was even a small chance there was a crocodile in the pond

  10. Lynx, absolutely. Like most cats they’re fairly solitary and will run away rather than fight if challenged, unless they have very good reason to stay like defending their cubs.

    Wolves, and particularly bears, I’m not so sold on. While a lynx could still be very dangerous if it decided to hunt you to eat, it wouldn’t be such a problem if you happened to bump into it unexpectedly. It’d just run away. But a bear?

  11. It would be amazing for Wildcats to be reintroduced in England and Wales as well as parts of Scotland that have none. It’s really sad that for a while, killing them was encouraged because they were seen as pests at one point and there were fears that they spread the plague (obviously *not* what happened!)

    I’d also love to see Lynx returned, it’s been a very long time since they died out in the UK but I think it would be very cool! Sadly that one would be a lot harder than Wildcats as a lot of farmers would worry over potential lost livestock. I know it’s really unlikely that it’ll ever happen though so I’ll have to make do with seeing big cats in pictures of them in the wild or in safari parks.

  12. I’d like all native species reintroduced. At the same time I think we should restrict the amount of land used for egregious purposes like sheep farming and grouse shooting.

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