Me and my bf met 5 months ago. One month of meeting made us go into physical relationship. It was my first time and it was his second. I liked him but I didnt like him to the point where I would just sleep with him. I told him I wasn’t ready. He begged and I gave in being how stupid I am.We used to go for long walks, hiking before but it has complete stopped afterwards. He just wanted to go to the hotel every weekend just to have sex. My self esteem, insecurity kept on bubbling up since then.
He is a very hardworking guy, earn tons of medals and shit. His personality is nice as well. He had a rough childhood growing up. He told me all of his problems, showed me all the medals he won to me at first and I do respect him from where he’s coming but I don’t feel myself when I am with him. It’s feels like I have lost myself. We don’t communicate often. I ignored him but but he comes back texting how I have been. Relationships are supposed to be from both sides but I don’t think I have ever contributed much.I feel bitter now, feel sorry for him and the most sorry for myself. I am trying to work on myself but it’s just that I end up getting running into the same circles. I like him but I have to let him go for my own mental stage. What kind of relation is this where we don’t communicate often but still say good morning/good night once in a while. Every time I see him makes me wanna run away. I feel fake. On top of that giving my body to someone that I talked for only a month is making me feel sick every time I see myself in the Mirror. I want to end this relationship. I told him to meet but he doesn’t want to meet and here I am laying in bed feeling the worst. I don’t know what kind of feeling is this. Did you guys ever had this worst type of feeling? Feeling that you are the only toxic person in the relationship? Or is it just me who feels fake?

  1. No, that doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship. If you feel like you’re being used, then get out. You don’t need to have a huge reason for getting out of a relationship but this all sounds very negative.

  2. If a relationship isn’t working for you then just end it. What you’ve described feeling sounds awful and you don’t need to put yourself through it.

  3. So let me get this straight. You think asking men on reddit is a good idea for relationship advice? I feel sorry for your BF if this is where you go too for help.

  4. You are not a toxic person, but you are not in a healthy relationship. For your own good, break up asap.

  5. Leave if you are not ready for a relationship or feeling trapped, focus on yourself and spend some alone time.

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