After reading the “why do so many married men regret or just hate their marriage?” question, I wanted to hear the opposite – from the men who *don’t* regret/hate their marriage.

Why don’t you hate or regret your marriage? What helped make it that way?

What do you find the biggest positives of being married?

  1. Because it’s awesome to share the life with someone who you love and who loves you. Someone who supports you, cheers for you and is there when things are not going well. Also sex.

  2. Some people choose poorly. Some people have false expectations of marriage. It’s hard as hell. I’m not gonna lie but a good wife is worth more than anything in the world.

  3. Selection. It’s about partner choice. If you were in a failed marriage you got nobody to blame but you because you picked her.

  4. Idk, my wife is awesome. We’ve been together 25+ years and I’ve never regretted it. I’m sure it can suck if you’re with the wrong person, but it’s pretty great if you’re with the right person.

  5. My wife and I be chillin.. neither 1 of us have the energy/patience to deal with drama and toxicity.. and for a young married couple, we are *very* honest with each other, as well as respect, and cherish each other..

  6. I’ve been with my wife for 13 years now and I think about how lucky I am to have her all the time. Having her puts me at ease for all other obstacles in life. There is stability and contentedness. And as time passes and we have more memories together I just feel our love continues to grow. And even if somehow we started to grow apart I trust her character that she would never do anything to hurt me.

  7. There are moments when I do regret my marriage. It is not easy all the time, and sometimes there is deep shit to wade through.

    But those moments are drowned out by the overwhelming majority of the time where having a partner is what you need most.

    I think that marriage often gets a bad rap, and that there sre benefits to a more codified relationship (that shit-wading may not have happened if separation was an easy option).

  8. Because I picked the right one 🤷‍♂️

    >What do you find the biggest positives of being married?

    Married 8 years

    Built an awesome young family, sex life is awesome, we actually like being around each other, similar goals for the relationship, I didn’t entertain marriage until I was stable financially and otherwise , etc.,

  9. Because my wife is the best thing for me. She’s all the things I’m not. We are partners. We are a team. We do things together that we couldn’t do alone. Things aren’t always easy but they are always worth the effort.

  10. I’ve known my wife since we were eight years old. We were friends for a long time before we were a couple, I think that’s helped a lot more than anything else.

    We’re coming up on our ten year wedding anniversary, a couple of kids and another on the way and while things are not absolutely not perfect we’re still a great team. We communicate well, our parenting styles balance each other’s out etc.

    Before all she was my best friend, she still is but now she’s my wife and mother to my children.

  11. 11 years married. It’s all about picking the right person. We don’t really share a bunch of common interests, but it gives us things to learn about each other. We like being around each other. We both have the same goals in life and see marriage the same way. We’re a team. We win and lose together and it’s nice knowing that I’ve got someone who always has my back like I’ve got hers.

    Plus she’s nice to look at and let’s me do the sex thing.

  12. Because she’s my best friend. She makes me want to be the best version of myself… Even when that motivation wanes, she’s there to pick me up.

    She’s an amazing mother and I am so happy that she chose to walk this path of our lives together.

  13. Been married almost 10 years. It honestly feels nice to have that one companion you can do things with.

  14. My wife is my best friend. I couldn’t imagine my life without her, I really feel like when you are with the right person life is just so much better. It feels easy and comfortable to be with her, we’ve been together for about 15 years now, and I’m excited to spend the rest of my life with her.

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