Imagine a land of love. What would it look like?

  1. A land of love would be more resources going to public education & higher education, affordable housing, universal healthcare, and livable wages. And less resources going to jails, prison, and the police. There would be more more resources invested in things that is proven to keep our communities safe that lessens on reliance on violence and punishment!

  2. Honestly no judgement. We fear being judged all the time but if you were to finally reveal some dark secrets out loud, it would be nice if someone just held your hand and says it’s not that bad. I understand where you are coming from. It’s okay. Or even if it wasn’t okay before, they tell you reassuring stuff like that was in the past or you learned from it and are better now. And hugs. Hugs are nice. Acceptance

  3. Like those hippie communes that actually succeeded and are still around today with a few hundred people living there. It’s basically just like living in a neighborhood where everything is well taken care of, everybody is friendly with everybody else, and you don’t have to worry about a rent or mortgage.

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