Which job you would never do no matter how well it paid?

  1. Picking up trash, administering medicine to psych/drug rehab patients, anything asylum related, mortician, coroner, or anything funeral related

  2. Sex work. Because men in general gross me out and I couldn’t grin and bear it all day long. I’d rather wipe bums and clean up murder victims then have to touch gross old white men penis.

  3. Be a nurse. I have trouble with blood and needles. Hats off to nurses who can do it!

  4. Cleaning up roadkill

    Special thanks to the people who do that. You are genuine public servants and we appreciate you.

  5. Be a veterinarian or vet tech. The second I’d have to put down an animal, I’d walk. I can’t do it.

  6. Psychologist. Was on that track for a while until I realized I could give a fuck about people’s problems. Never again.

  7. Look I love science and health but I can not be a surgeon. I’m completely fine with knowledge and not cutting peeps open lol

  8. Restuarant manager. It’s loud, chaotic, you work 60+ hour weeks on your feet, and get yelled at by customers all the time over petty stuff.

  9. Tech support. Just because I’ve done it before and the type of people that usually call are either really old or really impatient.

  10. Neurosurgeon or RN who specialized in neuroscience. I was studying to be one until I realized I was a fainter😅. Mad respect for those who can though.

    Also politician. I like my soul and being a good person. No respect for this one🤷‍♀️

  11. Doctor.

    Just sounds like a depressing environment to be in. And the road to it is hellish.

  12. Crime scene cleaner, I wouldn’t last very long if I had to see suicides. (Not to mention grieving families)

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