I’m a 21yr old girl with hsv so I’m curious

  1. I’d say as long as you’re upfront before any sexy times happen you’re good to go. Some people will react badly and some won’t, it’s very manageable as long as you’re smart about protection and timing (don’t have sex during a big flare up)

  2. You have a Holden HSV series 2? 😂

    Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

    I’d have to seriously get to know u better before I went any further & I think it would be very slow as well.

    Mind u I’m a lot older & I wouldn’t date a 21 year old.

  3. If you are pretty on the outside and pretty on the inside, sure why not.

    If you are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside, fuck no.

    If you are ugly on the outside and pretty on the inside, lets be friends and see if things go somewhere from there.

    If you are ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside, get lost.

  4. I don’t know what it is, so I wouldn’t care. And even if I did know, I still wouldn’t care.

  5. If I wanted to have kids, absolutely not. If I didn’t want to have kids the standards go up. You gotta be the sexiest most amazing and most loyal person for me to be like… “yeah… shes worth the herps”

  6. I think the rational thing to do would be to naturally not want to risk it but if the chemistry is really there and the person is understanding of you not wanting to be sexually involved until you really really REALLY get to know their mentality then I think it still might be on the table. It would probably take months for me to really make sure she is responsible enough to be taking her medication and simultaneously warning me of the flare ups to minimize the risk as low as possible.

    I’m sorry that you unfortunately have to deal with that but I’m sure you will be able to find somebody one day. Just be responsible and live a nice and happy life! Be patient and don’t rush anything. Honesty is key.

  7. Nope. Just ain’t worth the risk. Wouldn’t consider it even for a minute. Idc how great of a woman she is.

  8. There are people who have the same infection as you who you could be intimate with but also you can disclose yourself to future partners and go from there. Yes there is a stigma and you’re going to get answers ranging from “not a problem” to “absolutely not” it’s a case by case thing and I’m just hoping you are not basing your self worth on the responses. There is a person out there for everyone and from what your comments have stated you would not risk giving it to someone without their knowledge so you already have the hard part down, communication. Best of luck. 🙂

  9. I will be honest; as a 21 year old, I would but I was in the Navy and….well…..yeah….my decision making at the time wasn’t the best. I read through your post history and I am so sorry you are still dealing with effects from the assault. My wife, my sister and every woman in my life has grappled with SA and it isn’t fair and I truly hope you get to enjoy your 20s and have wonderful relationships.
    I also want to say that I admire and respect you. You are experiencing this difficulty because you are choosing to inform potential partners, you are respecting their bodies and their choices. You are giving them what you and every person should get. I don’t think the next few years will be easy. In fact every woman in a major city that is dating has stated it’s “digging through shit in the hope of finding gold but settling for silver” I think you are going to be digging for a while but the fact you choose to be honest and conduct yourself so respectfully; I think you won’t need to settle. If my daughter went through what you did and had to deal with this, I hope she would make the same choice; to choose the path of a good person(it’s a hard fucking path). Good luck.

  10. Neonatal here as far as I know, and I don’t want kids, so idc.

    But I am 35 so you’d need to put on a decade or two

  11. My gf has hsv 1 and it’s all good. She takes her meds and she’s only has like 2 outbreaks in the last 16 years. So I’m not against it for a life partner, but I’d pass if it was just a one night hook up thing.

  12. Worked in pathology for over a decade. There are many more, much worse viruses than HSV2. Would you feel better about HSV1. A lot of people have facial herpes… Are they a hard pass? Unlike HSV2, HSV1 can kill you. Also over that last 20 years a variant has arisen which is difficult to differentiate between the two without full sequencing. I have seen very floral herpes cases caused by Varicella, recurrent genital herpes outbreaks with HSV1. Seen cases that shed herpes without sores. Seen cases where only a first outbreak was detected. It goes on and on.

    There are prophylactic acyclovir medications available. The stigma of HSV2 amuses me.

  13. Personally no woman is worth risking getting an STI. I’ve passed up on partners over it before, and would keep passing them up.

    There’s a lot out there that won’t mind taking on that risk. Just make sure to disclose and you’ll be all set.

  14. Been with the same partner since high school, and he’s std free. If I was single, I’d never date anyone with a permanent std, especially herpes, HIV or hepatitis. I don’t have anything against those people save I myself do not want to deal with those diseases.

  15. I want to say no, but it probably depends on how hot she is. And if we are compatible of course.

  16. Hell to the naw naw naw (come on, come on, come on!)

    Hell naw, to the naw naw naw (hell to the naw)
    Hell to the naw, to the naw naw naw

  17. If its the right girl sure. Its a minus thiugh and I would hold off on sexual contact for a month or 2 just to know if she is worth it. If she can understand that then it might be a relationship worth trying.

  18. There are people who don’t care. I don’t or wouldn’t if I were attracted to you. But there aren’t as many as you would hope.

  19. I don’t want warts on my dick. You could be Angelina Jolie and I’d still never even pretend to consider it.

  20. Woooooooo!!! Tough call for me honestly. If you were upfront and honest with me, then i would be very grateful. I personally would have to know you as a person and your lifestyle that you live for protection of others and your own life. I am a very sexual person, so i would have to know the full details of it all to ensure my own safety if i chose to date you. At the same time i am sure we would be great friends.

    My answer would be no in the beginning. How you carry yourself with me and around others would determine if i want to move forward with you if you did have interest in me.

  21. I think this is question that you shouldn’t be posting that on Reddit.

    I get you’re probably looking for support, but this is not how to do it. Talk to people you are close to and not strangers.

  22. Nope. To be honest I tend to ask for mutual STD checks before we get physical. I plan on staying STD-free.

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