How would you cope with a woman who has a job and is ok with capitalism?

  1. I’d tolerate her opinion but I certainly wouldn’t embrace or promote it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion just as much as you are entitled to yours.

    Edit: I read capitalism as Communism. I’m a moron.

  2. I feel like you’re not going to get any of the answers I can tell you’re looking for. Maybe try a different sub.

  3. Oh! You mean a woman who isn’t lazy and has ambition?

    If I was single I’d be asking you for her number!

  4. We are conversing on a global communication network which would not exist without capitalism, so I’d be okay with it.

  5. That’s an odd question.

    I cant speak for all or everyone, but I would say that a decently large amount of people irl are okay with capitalism.

    So idk that probably normal and not something I wouldn’t think about.

  6. Not like they’re free to be dated as women like that are usually off the market because they understand market effects.

  7. Kinda sounds like the bare minimum to start a conversation. Without both of those I probably wouldn’t be interested (exceptions could be made if she was truly in transition between jobs, or had investment income instead of a “job” per se)

  8. I know I’m not your target audience here… being a woman with a job and who likes capitalism just fine… but I’m genuinely confused by your question. What type of combination are you used to in the women you date? A communist who doesn’t work? I’m legitimately curious.

  9. OP .. why the “anti-capitalism” sentiment and what do think is the preferred alternative?

  10. this describes 90% of women, so I suppose I would cope with it the same way I would cope with someone who were right-handed

  11. ‘Woman who has a job…’ that’s fine, dare I say expected?

    ‘…and is ok with capitalism’ this is where she loses me.

  12. You need to get out of the woke bubble.

    To answer your question, don’t worry about it. It’s likely she will decide she doesn’t want to interact with you. Hence the non-existent skills at dealing with people different than you will not be tested.

  13. Capitalism is the foundation for life in America. The other “ways” of life were only created out of abundant time that capitalism created.

  14. Don’t waste your time responding, guys. OP is a self described troll. From OP’s post history:

    > I’m an internet troll who’s tried to quit multiple times in the past but can’t. AMA

  15. I somehow misread this as “cannibalism”, and I’ve got to say that I probably couldn’t cope with that.

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