what’s your favourite tea and why?

  1. How can I choose? I love them all so much!

    If forced to choose, maybe an iced black tea with some fruity notes. Unsweetened.

  2. Fresh ginger tea!

    I’ll even add a spoonful of condensed milk to it when feeling adventurous

  3. Chamomile. Itโ€™s good for helping me sleep on those nights I have trouble falling asleep.

  4. Chai tea with a little vanilla cream. Nice bit of spices from the chai, a bit of smoothness from the cream

  5. 5Roses

    And its simply because it reminds me of my dog that passed away. I’d always leave the smallest amount in my cup for him to drink and it got to a point where he’d see a cup on the table and he’d sit and bark until I put it down for him. Even now, I still leave the last sip for him even though it’s been 3 years.

  6. Kuan Yin tea, it has a comforting taste for me. We rarely eat together in the dining table as a family but there’s always warm tea ready in the teapot. Nowadays Kuan Yin tea always reminds me of home even if I worry about staining my teeth lol. Also those blooming flower tea options, they were really nice to look at, the hotel we frequent for birthdays have different varities of blooming flower tea but i havent seen any in supermarkets yet.

  7. Lady Grey for every day drinking.

    Pukka Night time (oat flower, lavender, lime flower) before bed – so soothing.

  8. I like Tazo Cinammon tea. I take it with a teaspoon of sugar. No caffeine and super low calorie. The perfect tea for after dinner.

  9. Typhoo British black tea. I grew up drinking it and I doubt I’ll be stopping soon! It’s at least a twice a day drink.

    And a good cup of that tea is always the first step to approaching any problem.

  10. Oolong tea. It has a distinct taste to it that doesnโ€™t compare to other black teas, slight roasted aroma although actual Roasted Oolong tea is even better.

    I also really like Genmaicha (roasted rice green tea) or Hojicha (roasted green tea). I just loved roasted teas I guess ๐Ÿ˜…

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