Hey everyone, so, I’ve been seeing someone new and the sex has been sooo bad. We met before a few years ago, and when we had sex, I was pretty much naive and inexperienced (I had only slept with one other person and that itself was bad), but now that I’ve started sleeping within him again, and in the meantime have collected a ton of experience (had 10 or so other partners) I can’t unsee how bad it is. Frankly, he has pretty bad death grip, and can only cum if you jerk him off in a certain way (super fast) or if he fucks me really hard (like porn-hard). The foreplay lasts 5 mins and consists of making out alone, and him fondling me like a high-schooler. He barely touches my pussy with his hands, and when he does, he’s just so rough I have to ask him to stop. He either finger-blasts me which I absolutely hate, or rubs my clit really hard with no sense of direction and sensuality. It drives me insane. So far, he hasn’t given me head either (we’ve had sex twice now, multiple rounds), but he expects multiple blow jobs, and pushes my head down. Even though I’m willing to give him head, this just feels so one-sided and I’m starting to get frustrated because before him, I had really good sexual partners that prioritized my pleasure and automatically gave me head before anything else. I think if I continue seeing him, this will absolutely drive me insane, so can anyone give me advice about how to let this man know how to do better?

  1. You need to have a proper conversation that the sex is not working for you. He sounds inexperienced and immature, at a push even selfish.

  2. Um, please explain why you would ever want to have sex with this guy again? He sounds horrible. Like not just bad, but horrible. He has no clue how to please a woman and only sounds interested in getting himself off. Move on.

  3. > I think if I continue seeing him, this will absolutely drive me insane

    Yeah stop seeing him.

    It’s not one thing. It’s literally everything sexual.

    Why are you doing this?

    Don’t tell me ‘he’s nice’ because with what you’ve shown, he ain’t.

  4. Try talking to him first and be honest; it may do very little or it may help him become the best sexual experience of your life; you get what you put in.

    Best of luck

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