I recently got out of a long term relationship and have wanted to try casual dating and sex because I absolutely do not want to pursue a relationship right now. So I met this older guy via Tinder and we’re chatting and his energy is great, super communicative, and straightforward. We discuss the things we want sexually and actually end up meeting and having non-penetrative sex. Let me be honest, was honestly the best sex I have ever had; the entire experience was so engrossing, thoughtful, and so damn hot. Like the amount of attention and care I felt both during and after the experience is nothing I’ve ever experienced. Now the problem is I cannot stop thinking about him fucking me senseless. I find my mind drifting off in the middle of the day at work just bringing me back to that experience and making me feel so horny. I’m trying to not fall into old habits and do relationship type things (like texting in the middle of the day) because that’s not what I’m looking for and I don’t want to push him away. However I feel so consumed with how great it was and how horny I feel that I feel like I can barely focus on anything else right now. Any advice about what I should do and how to feel less consumed would be appreciated.

  1. You found a guy you like, but you want to like him less? Does the guy also only want meaningless sex?

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