what’s that thing you do regularly but haven’t told your SO / friends due to the fear of being ridiculed or judged badly ?

  1. Nothin’. They can ridicule me if they want, that’s on them. What makes me happy is what matters to me.

  2. I’m quite into spiritual practice and discussion, but I share this side of me with virtually no one in my personal circle.

    I either come off like I’m some weed smoking hippie idiot who is just talking absolute bullshit to sound philosophical/zen wannabe, or some crazy newager who believes in invisible aliens or some other crazy woo woo.

  3. If you’re not willing to be open about who you are with your SO or your “friends”.. you probably should surround yourself with better people

  4. Deal with my mental health issues. Used to talk about it with people, but it either was weaponized against me or people just tell me I’m a burden to them because of it, so I just don’t bother anymore.

    And I definitely don’t to people I’m interested in. Always see any interest they have in me get wiped away the second I talk about my issues.

  5. Why would i tell “the internet” and specifically OP something really personal?

    Im genuinely curious as to the motives and outcomes of this kind of question.

  6. I have a piece of cloth that I carry around. I rub it between my fingers when I’m stressed, or when I need to focus on something.

    The best I’ve found are the fibers of cloth restaurant napkins. I’ve done this since I was a kid.

    Strangely enough, my son and daughter also do this, and have since they were born.

  7. I’ve hinted at it a few times, but I don’t discuss my foot fetish with any of my friends

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