How do i ask out my female bestfriend after i playfuly rejected her when i was drunk😅??? Ladies i need ur help on this

  1. When my platonic male friends would subtly talk about sex in alluring ways, my view of them would change from “just a friend” to “I wonder what it would be like to fuck this friend”.
    Subtle. And not directed toward wanting her, but things you find kinky/interesting about others.

  2. Straight up, say what if? Or take her to the mall, look at some sexy clothes, and tell her you would look great on that!!

  3. I have a female best friend and nah bro. She is quite literally like a little sister to me and even the idea is fuckin nasty af! So is she actually your best friend or a girl you like and you have placed yourself in the friend zone?

  4. You rejected her? Hmmm it might be too late depending how harsh the rejection was. If she feels stupid for making an advance you may have blown it. Girls don’t normally chase and if we do it’s because we feel pretty confident it will be a yes and we won’t feel like a total ass.

    Get her to a private situation where you can talk alone and undisturbed and NOT DRINKING talk to her and be real. No joking – no bullshit. Just mention what you remember and ask what she was feeling. Explain you were drunk and could process the idea at the moment. Don’t wait too long because she might just move on emotionally and be totally cold to it before long.

    If you’re interested in going further for real as in a close friend that you have sex with – ask her if she is thinking about a relationship. If you want that then do it the right way and take her out on dates – then move into a sexual situation once you’re both sure.

    Otherwise you might blow up a good friendship and have nothing at all.

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