TLDR I can’t tell if I’m asking too much of my partner.
I am 100% open to judgment and advice on how to deal with this. This is a long post but I want to give as much information as possible. My (20f) partner (22m) and I have been dating for a little over a year and a half. We usually would talk everyday, either over the phone, or in person.

However, my partner started a new job 3 weeks ago. This job is a complete opposite schedule as mine. (I work 6a-3p and he works 2p-10p). He chose this job over another job and I’m really happy for him because he seems to be doing really well and I know he’s good at what he does.
For me, it’s super important to have communication with my partner. I like having a partner who enjoys telling me about their day, and who genuinely enjoys hearing about mine. I like feeling like a priority, since I prioritize my relationships with my partner.
I brought this up to him before he started work by asking (literally word for word) “What can we do to make it so we’re not only talking on the weekends?” He got defensive at first and was taking it like I was feeling insecure or afraid of change. I called him out on that and we kind of worked it out over dinner and talked about the cool things we could do together since he’d be making more money. The first week of this was fine. He had a Thursday off so we got to see each other earlier.
For earlier in the week though, I had to call on my breaks. He didn’t call me on his. He didn’t really bother replying to my texts either, which got to me because I saw him on social media, and the texts I would send would legit just be “I love you, I hope you’re having a good day!” which I guess I was looking for a simple reply that would take 2 seconds.

Anyway, last week was my week off. He definitely did his best to see me! And did make plans.
But Saturday night was the last night we got to spend together before going a week without seeing each other.
He cancelled on the plans that he made to have a sleepover at his house.
He did tell me 3 hours before, and told me it was because his day was long.
Which I get, but he cancelled on me last minute just the weekend before because he completely forgot that we made plans (he apologized for that one)

He does spend time with me, but I felt a little hurt because it was his last day, and all he did was watch TV which I would’ve been more than happy to do with him.
ANYWAY last night I had bad Sunday scaries and wasn’t able to sleep. He was snap chatting me about it, and was offering support, and I appreciated that.
But today, during the day, he didn’t text me at all or reach out in anyway after I was able to fall asleep to see if I was okay or anything like that.
I actually texted him first after work, and just said I hoped he was having a good day at work and thanked him for the support.
It took him 3 hours to respond, despite me being able to see that he was liking posts on instagram that were posted in between that time period.
And, when he was hanging out with me Sunday night, he was on his phone for a good hour of that time.
I know it’s small, but he also told me that his 3 priorities are his pet, his hobbies, and all relationships (friends, family, and me) I only just barely made the list.
I feel like he doesn’t think about me at all when we’re not together.
I don’t know how to bring this up because I feel like I’m approaching him about something every week.
This is hard when he rarely needs anything more from me.
I know it’s such a small thing, but I’m feeling frustrated with feeling like I’m not a priority.
I love him a ton and want to save this, but sometimes I feel like I’m asking for too much. What do I do?

1 comment
  1. You aren’t asking for too much, and if you’ve spoken to him about this then there’s not much else you can do. I absolutely understand how you feel: not being the priority and being ignored really hurts.

    He is currently just settling into this new job, and so you both need to communicate about how things are working. It sounds like he gets quite defensive, so it may be worth prefacing conversations with the fact you aren’t having a go at him.

    It also sounds like a lot of his free time is being spent with you – some people need more alone time than others, to fully relax and unwind. It may be worth having a conversation about, and if that is the case, then give him a day to himself without making plans – that way he won’t cancel them last minute.

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