What changes have you experienced once you started eating more vegetables?

  1. After eating vegetables, I want to eat more vegetables. If that makes since? Sometimes, instead of a burger, I actually want a salad.

  2. It opened me up to wanting to try more things. I was a stupidly picky eater as a kid, so eating all the veggies that I thought were gross and finding them to in fact be super delicious made me realize that maybe most of the things I refused to eat were also good.

    Now I’ll eat almost anything except broccoli. Broccoli is disgusting.

  3. To be honest, the only change I experienced was that I ate more vegetables and felt less “guilty” after eating.

  4. For the most part, I’ve always eaten a lot of vegetables, but I definitely notice the difference when I eat poorly. I feel more tired and less regular.

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