I (28 m) started dating the most wonderful person (27 f) last week and weve been meaning to start this officially for a couple years but things hadnt lined up until now. I am looking to make a couple emergency period packs for her. She has had one child, currently 2, and dating a single mother is new for me so I want to make sure I have this base COVERED!
Anything that anyone knows that may be a blessing for her, would sure be a blessing for me.
Currently, I have pads, tampons, panty liners, tylenol, apple juice, cheese sticks, reese’s minis big bag, and two playlists, one soft, one angry…what else should I gather?

  1. oh maybe get a heating bottle with a nice fluffy coating (i dont know what they are actually called in English, but those are like flat bottles made of rubber and you fill warm/hot water in it, ya know what i mean). My boyfriend got me one too and they are more comforting than pain killers (maybe maybe not as good as them tho). especially in cold times like the upcoming winter its very cozy!

  2. Sorry, alt perspective: I think you should tell her you want to make one (which is sweet, really nice that you’re engaged and not embarrassed etc etc) and **ask her what she’d like in it.** Clearly I’m a minority but I get very few period symptoms, don’t have a sweet tooth, and “angry” music would feel a little patronising/presumptuous. Honestly when I’m on, I’m quite horny, so I’d say “keep your apple juice, here’s what I want…” lol. Also she’s an adult woman used to balancing life with parenthood, I’m sure she’s sourced her own period products of choice…

    Asking her what you can do for her is equally as thoughtful as your initial surprise idea (even sharing your ideas with her so she knows), but more likely to result in accuracy!

  3. I don’t know about anyone else, but I always got super bad back/hip aches when I was on my period. Tiger balm helped me so much through that when heat packs couldn’t touch it.

    Just don’t use heat and tiger balm together. It’s awful.

    You’re so very sweet, dude!!

  4. Warm hugs and lots of kisses. That’s what I I want the most from my partner in those times ☺️ also sometimes I want him to leave me alone

  5. I’d get different pain drugs. Tylenol won’t do a damn thing for my period pains. But Motrin works like a charm. But it’s sweet that you’re thinking about her. Even if you have stuff she won’t use (EG, I hate tampax and prefer OB tampons), in this case, it really is the thought that counts.

  6. Ask her. When my husband and I first started dating, he bought me some really expensive fancy chocolates for my period thinking it would make me happy only for him to learn I’m allergic and HATE chocolate as a flavour and I had to give it back to him 😂😂 I would have preferred something spicy.

    It’s different for every woman

  7. Not lovin’ the menstruation stereotypes, honestly. Women are individuals who experience a wide difference in symptoms. Not every woman likes chocolates. Not every woman uses tampons. Some women have very mild symptoms. Some women need an entire day to lay down. Ask her what she needs most during her period; women are not one big hive mind.

  8. What the hell? Way to stereotype and stigmatise a perfectly normal function of the female human body. She has a period every month, I’m sure she knows how to handle it and doesn’t need your help. Food cravings? An ANGRY playlist??

    Most you need to do is run out and buy her some tampons or pads IF she asks you, or let her store some in a drawer or cupboard if you’re that serious.

    Just treat her like a normal healthy adult.

  9. Am I the only one who thinks – you have been dating a week!

    It doesn’t matter how long you have wanted to date.

    To me this screams accelerated relationship goals, maybe next month get her pregnant and then you don’t need the PP.

    Maybe wait until you have been together a while before such gifts

    Even if the majority of posters think it’s nice

    It would scare some people off

  10. She is a grown woman who can take care of herself. This is just weird.

    You don’t need a ready to go pack, if something is wrong and she needs something you can go get it for her.

    I’d run if this happened after 1 week. This sounds like a mom packing lunch for a 6 year old.

  11. honestly if this were me before my boyfriend and I moved in together the most I would’ve wanted is for my boyfriend to keep a box of my preferred brand of tampons (or whatever your girlfriend uses) in his bathroom and for him to be willing to run out and grab me something if needed.

    for me the whole “period pack” thing is a bit much. Your heart seems like it’s in the right place and based on the comments some people would love this but it can definitely come off as patronizing or overly coddling tbh

  12. If someone I’d been dating a week did this, I would be so annoyed. I’m an adult woman and can buy my own supplies, thanks. And after a week, there’s no way you know what snacks and music she might want, assuming she wants to snack and listen to music which is a big assumption.

  13. Get some of those kids cooling strips that go on your forehead too (idk what they’re called or if they have them outside the UK but sometimes when I’m on my period I tend to burn up especially on my forehead and neck so those would be really good if she has that too

  14. You have been dating for one week. You shut up about her period.

    This was so weird to read.

  15. a place to sleep for the little one, preferably an extra set of bedding. i’ve always had one of those waterproof blankets on the bed, under the bedding just in case of a midnight oops moment. (strange environment to sleep in for the kid means extra nervous) oh also a nightlight. If you have some of your old stuffed animals still around, you could take him/her to it and tell him/her how this one has been your best friend who always looked after you at night.

    For your gf: a trashbin in the bathroom and half bath with a lid on it and a bag inside. Keep some spare toothbrushes around, if she has long hair: hair conditioner, some travel deodorant and if you know her size: some generic underwear and socks. Oh: according to the Mrs: those throw away baby wipes contain lotion, which also makes them great to remove makeup.

    Before you let them come over, check under the sofa and other places at child level for stuff they should not put in their mouth.

  16. I would skip on the playlists as she likely knows what she wants to do it, pay attention to the kind she normally buys and show up with snacks

    Most of my exs really liked that idea.

  17. A combo that works wonders for cramps is one Tylenol extra strength with two ibuprofen (it’s a game changer) I suggest you throw that in there. Regardless this is very sweet and thoughtful

  18. This whole post is kind of weird, especially since you e only been together a week. Also it would feel weird to be stereotyped.

  19. Dude, she’s 2fucking7, you think she hasn’t got this shit covered. As a married man of 21 years (together 28) with a 19 year old daughter, the only thing I’ve learnt to do is stay out of the way once it starts, take every blow up on the chin and just do as you’re told. Anything else is asking for trouble

  20. Have you thought about a heating pad or lidocaine patches if her lower back pain gets really bad?

  21. This is so weird lmao. She’s had her period for probably 10-15 years. She’s got this covered. Not to mention, menstruating isn’t a time in which a woman reverts into a child and needs apple juice and cheese sticks.

  22. If the relationship had been going steady for a while then…maybe.
    However this is only a week old so to put ‘this’ together for her seems weird.
    It’s one of the most personal aspects of a woman and most are quite private about it so it’s possible this might, just might, creep her out a bit.
    Just saying.🤔

  23. The thought is nice, however I would literally HATE this. Do something else instead, seriously.

  24. Instead, why not offer to keep a small box of emergency period items in the house? A box of her pads/tampons that she uses, an extra pair of pants and underwear in a Safeway bag and keep her favorite snacks in the house? It doesn’t have to even be period related and most women have been dealing with periods since they’ve been preteens so chances are, she’s already got her bases covered. But shit happens. So at least she knows that she has a few things at your place if needed.

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