What worries you when you think about the next 10 years? 20 years?

  1. The climate, the cost of living crisis currently in the UK, the fact that the sector I’m working in still doesn’t pay as well as I think it should. Fear of illness taking me out of work when I’m self employed.

  2. (1) levels of PFOA and PFOS in rainwater often *greatly exceed US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lifetime Drinking Water Health Advisory levels* and the sum of the aforementioned four PFAAs (Σ4 PFAS) in rainwater is often above Danish drinking water limit values also based on Σ4 PFAS; (2) levels of PFOS in rainwater are often above Environmental Quality Standard for Inland European Union Surface Water; and (3) atmospheric deposition also leads to *global soils being ubiquitously contaminated* and to be often above proposed Dutch guideline values. It is, therefore, concluded that the global spread of these four PFAAs in the atmosphere has led to the *planetary boundary for chemical pollution being exceeded*. Levels of PFAAs in atmospheric deposition are especially poorly reversible because of the high persistence of PFAAs and their ability to continuously cycle in the hydrosphere, including on sea spray aerosols emitted from the oceans.


  3. Dear diary, my worries are very stupid. If you’re 30 and single, that’s ok. People still see you as a promising young lady. If you’re 40 or 50 and single, everyone pities you, and you already feel like you’ve failed in life (though being in a relationship with someone whom you don’t love is actually worse). How tf am I going not to fail in the upcoming ten years? #pressure

  4. • my mental health
    • my career path
    • what about my loved ones? who will be with me, who won‘t? will I be alone? who knows …
    • climate change/natural disasters
    • human rights politics/debates
    • the economy
    • safety and freedom … ? (more related to my mental health though)

  5. My parents — if they’re still alive and healthy by that time. Also, having enough for retirement.

  6. Climate change, the fact that democratic institutions seem to be failing world wide, white nationalists have been infiltrating police forces and the military…

  7. My health don’t want it to make me change my job or worse…

    Overall crises situation… less and less food, more displaced people, refugees, wars, failing states…

  8. The state of my liver. When I was in college I was on Accutane. People say you shouldn’t drink but when I asked my derm she said it was fine but just don’t binge drink. Well I did. Now I’m 23 and I’m terrified of the state of my liver. I heavily regulate my drinking now, never more than 3 drinks in one day and no more than 6 in one week. But I’m still worried

  9. The kind of people my neice and nephew will be. My own physical health and the health of my family members.

  10. My parents. Will I be physically close enough for them at need or not. How much more time am I gonna spend w them. Will my career come between all this

  11. Future kids navigating in the world and having to figure out what works or doesn’t work for them, future kids education, and neighborhood gentrification.

  12. * When am I going to die?

    I have metastatic breast cancer. 10 years is a stretch. I know I’ll be dead in 20 years.

    * Will my son be okay?

    In 10 years, he’ll be 25. In 20 years, 35. Early adulthood is *hard* and my kid’s not gonna have a mom.

    * Will my husband be okay?

    If he finds someone else, I just hope they’re better than me in every way and understanding of my place in Husband’s life.

  13. Okay soo the next 10 years ill be 46, working in the medical field, I hope my body still holds up alright. 56-same thing. I dont stress over politics, climate change—cus as a species, we can still adapt to change cus we have too.

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