Ive recently invested in getting lube from amazon as I wasn’t quite sure where to buy some at my local stores, plus I was embarrassed. The lube was rated the best seller and had great reviews, and claimed was body safe. But the last few days I’ve noticed if I add a bit more than a drop or two to my toys i can feel a short period of mild stinging in the opening of my vagina. Today I experimented to send some suggestive photos to my partner with my breasts. I decided to use the lube to amplify the experience so I put a substantial amount only to finish being intimate with my partner on the phone, getting up to clean off and noticing my breasts were flushed in color. No stinging but the area was warm to the touch. Probably should’ve just kept it off my breasts but I’m also using it down below so is this a concern about me being allergic to the product or do I just need to tone down how much product I use?

  1. Is it shibari by chance? Last batch it got from them was brownish and smelled weird. Some people said it burned them.

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