you wake up one day to find that you’re immortal, you will never age, you will never die, what do you do with the infinite time you have on your hands?

  1. Probably continue to work but stress much less about it. Eventually I’ll leave and go travel, hiking through the rural portions of Europe. I’ll use my time in eternity to learn every major human language. I’ll continue my studies and love of philosophy and over the next few hundred years, I’ll become well versed in every major study. Maybe I’ll stop traveling and take up a job at a local college somewhere tutoring and eventually teaching what I’ve learned. I could teach about the historical events I’ve lived through with a knowledge of personal experience. Eventually this will draw attention and I will need to take to the mountains again where I will exist as one with nature for over 1000 more years. I will watch empires rise and crumble while remaining unchanged by the hands of time.

  2. Go back to school, see my family and friends die, go into a depression, can’t get any new friends because they will die as you live on, watch the world burn down around me, attempt un alive plenty of times and failing, become an organ donner, make a business of selling organs, become rich, never have kids, keeping this secret from everyone to avoid becoming a test subject for the government.

    Go to Disneyland

  3. Find a hot chick, bang her and every generation of her family for all eternity, woahahahah.

  4. Do everything I possibly can. I mean EVERYTHING. As quickly as possible because in a few trillion years it would be impossible for my body to physically exist so I would float throughout the universe as a ghost like spirit. I would then wait for the next civilization to develop and become a supreme leader to them having the experience of a billion lifetimes.

  5. Well, most of it I’ll be floating around in space after the sun consumes the earth 4 billion years from now.

  6. Learn to raise my own food, live on my own, and ensure that I’ve carved out a way to continue to learn and see the world.

    I’d keep my relationships and try to enjoy as much as I could, knowing that I would stand still while they all aged around me. That would be the worst part and the best part – being able to be a full part of my kids and grandkids lives, but having to be there through the end.

  7. I would start taking investing very seriously. Then I would continue life as normal for another 10, maybe 20 years, before I’d have to take off before people started realizing there was something fishy about me. By then, hopefully my investments will have grown enough that I can make a decent living off the interest. If not, I can always just move cities and get a job again until they have. What do I care how long it takes, I have all the time in the world now. Once my investments have grown enough that I can live well off of them, I begin traveling the world. I do it slowly, taking the time to meet people and do everything I can think of to do, indulging every passing interest in as much depth as I care to. By the time I’ve seen everything there is to see and done everything there is to do, the world will have changed so much that I would have to explore it all anew. If something crazy were to happen, like a meteor impact or a solar flare, the kind of disaster that would literally send us back to the stone age overnight, I would find colonies of survivors and their descendants, and remind them of how to build a new civilization. Basically, I reckon the world changes so fast that if I really took my time exploring it, it would change faster than I could explore it, and there would always be something new to see and do

  8. First, be annoyed that I didn’t stop aging at 30 instead of 50. Then, thank my lucky stars that I have a defined benefit pension plan.

  9. Day 1) Bathe in the blood of my enemies.
    Day 2) rot in jail
    Day infinity) Profit

    Oh wait……No that’s the Southpark underwear gnomes’ battle plan. Shit. I dunno then.

  10. Move somewhere nobody knew me, and make friends. Hang out with people constantly, do my best to just be a fun guy to be around. Give it a couple really great years, then slowly fade away. Move somewhere nobody knew me, and make friends. “Hey, whatever happened to…”

  11. Can I be injured? If so do I just infinitely regenerate? Cos if that’s the case I’m gonna be donating a lot of organs.

  12. Read books. Gain knowledge and wisdom. Watch the world and the universe change around me. Spend time with the love of my life before she passes and also spend time with my family and watch my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc be born, age, and pass as I remain young forever. I’ll write a book about each year, each experience as the places and events we know now will cease to exist. I’ll create different archives around the world in order to place those books. At what point in time will I want to decide to either go into an eternal meditation/slumber or remain awake and create archives.

  13. Search for a way to permanently terminate my consciousness, then one i have that down, figure out what to do while i wait for the right time to pull the plug.

  14. Well that depends:

    – Do my future kids become immortal due to my genetics implying this isn’t magic

    – Can I never be damaged?

  15. You mean my problems just keep building up as I get older and there is no end to it. Sounds rough.

  16. I’d learn everything I can about investing, cause fuck working for all eternity. Put money in stocks now and by the time I’m 200 imagine how much that would be worth. That would fund my world travels, as I’d want to spend all eternity experiencing all the cultures, languages, foods, sights, and sounds the human race and Earth had to offer.

    I’d probably end up having a crap load of kids, and that aren’t cheap, and I don’t imagine they’d get cheaper.

  17. I would want to figure out why/how I got to be that way. Try to work with scientists to use my blood to heal terminally ill people or something.

  18. Donate blood and organs. Well you cant die. Why not give your organs. Wait for it to regenerate. Rinse and repeat. Same with blood. While doing it, Amass wealth. Use wealth to fund projects that solve world problems.

  19. Learn everything about the world, read all the books watch all the movies, take over the world at some point and learn all the languages

  20. Music…. Learn all the instruments, and the weird keys, and jazz progression and how to compose classical music.

    And how to garden.

  21. Well perhaps I won’t die. But my moral compass would.

    I couldn’t see humans as humans when I would be immortal. Just more as an annoyance. There would be no reason to invest in a better world. As really, The folks I could know die anyway.

    But welp.. I would probs gets lots of money.. Buy a penthouse and become some mob boss or something that grants favours for those that are interesting to me in the way they come across.

  22. I honestly don’t have a damn clue what I would do with immortality, unless it came with powers, like a vampire or something. At the very least, I would have to be like a Highlander, with the ability to heal any wounds and regrow severed limbs, otherwise there’s just no point.

  23. devise ways to avoid getting sent to the bottom of the ocean in a metal coffin and all things like that.

  24. Go back to sleep, spend a day or three figuring out the best vigilante way to clean up the streets without getting caught.

    Cause life without parole would sssuuuuuccccckkkkkk.

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