Hello everyone. I (F20) recently had sex these past few days with my boyfriend (M20) at least four ‘rounds’. Please note I am not a virgin, I had a previous partner which did not turn out well if you catch my drift. I am tested and have been to the gyno for regular check ups. My issue is that I do not understand why for every position it hurts to go in. Some positions feel a bit more like pressure. Now, once it is in, I feel fine. It feels good. My second issue is I can never release/cum when we do things together. Yesterday I felt the pressure build and build but to no avail. I was wondering if this could be happening to anyone else? I hope I’ve given enough context.

  1. For the pain when entering, maybe more foreplay is needed to get you wet?

    For the orgasms, maybe foreplay and clit play is needed?

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