Okay this is going to sound ridiculous but basically long story short my ex (let’s call him Jake ) and I got a dog together (Byron) about 9 months ago and now since we’ve broken up he wants to keep Byron to himself.

I’m obviously not okay with this at all because Byron is just as much my dog as he is his.

Before I get into what caused this here’s some background info:

– Jake and I were together for 2 1/2 years (on and off I’ll be honest)
– We moved in together in January (yes I know dumb mistake, I was 19 and thought he was the loml)
– Jake is a lawyer and works at a firm his dad partially owns (this will make sense later on)
– We broke up last month and are currently still living together until I can move into one of my dad’s properties which will be by the end of this month.
– We paid for Byron equally, and split the bills on whatever is necessary for him.

The reason I’m making this post after so long is because last week was reading week and so I traveled back to my hometown to visit my family and friends. I decided not to take Byron with me to avoid conflict, something I now realize was a big mistake because when I got back last night, Byron was nowhere to be found. Jake wasn’t at home so I figured he took him on a walk or something. When he got home, Byron wasn’t with him so I asked him where he was and he told me he took our dog to his dads place in whistler until “we can sort things out”. Jake has obviously done this so 1. I can’t see our dog and 2. have a hold over me. I’m gonna be honest and say that I don’t believe Jake has ever loved our dog as much as I have and that’s why it was so easy for him to just leave him there. He knows how I feel about Byron and I can’t help but feel he’s doing this to upset me since we aren’t together anymore.

Before all this happened I brought up ideas on how we can manage a custody like agreement with Byron so we both could see him after I move out. Jake never said much in retaliation to this and now after having this huge argument he said we’re just gonna have to take this to court. He’s saying all sorts of things about how I stand no chance against him since he’s a lawyer, has more than a stable income, his dad’s firm to back him up and I’m still a “young and dumb 20 year old college girl who parties and lives off of her parents and can’t take care of herself let alone a dog” (his words- verbatim).

A few of my friends said to leave it but they don’t understand. Byron means the world to me, we’ve taken him on our trips and everything and losing him would break my heart and Jake knows this. I have no idea what to do and the last thing I want to do is go to court over this but do I really have a choice? I really just need advice on how I can approach this matter in a reasonable and calm way. I don’t want drama, I more than anything would love to just move on from this.

Edit: I’m not seeking legal advice whatsoever if anything I’m looking to avoid any legal matters. Just looking for advice on how to approach him and settle this between us.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Ex and I broke up, I went to visit family, came back home to our dog missing and ex refusing to let me see the dog, doing everything possible to upset me.

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