There are a lot of things I look back on and realize just how much of a bullet I dodged. Mainly for me, not being pressured into being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  1. Weed. 10 years gonna pass and you’re still a cashier at the 7/11 and gaming away your free time. Seen it with too many friends

  2. Not studying more. How i regret not cramming my brain with more basic information from math, science, social studies when I had the time and energy.

  3. I’ve heard it attributed to a bunch of people and I refuse to try to figure out what’s accurate but…


    >Comparison is the thief of happiness


    Avoid comparing yourself, your successes (or failures) in life to other people. Compare yourself to yourself. If you see improvements in yourself versus last year, last month, last whenever… then you are succeeding.

    Full stop, end of discussion.

    It’s okay to want more and to want to be at a point in your life but, give yourself some credit for the things you do.

    If you look at yourself now and don’t like where you are versus last whenever, then that’s when you would really want to reflect on what is going on.

    Just because some dude you know owns a lake house and is tripping over luxury bags in his bedroom doesn’t mean you suck.

  4. Avoid using alcohol as a crutch. Life can be stressful. It’ll get More stressfulif you develop a drinking problem. Just watch your friends that party constantly. I bet half of them have at least one DUI by the time they are 30.

  5. Car dealerships and car costs. I’ve seen Stealerships try and rip off so many people.

    Learn how to maintain a car if you can.
    It’s not too difficult on older cars and great youtubers like ChrisFix have some really good videos on how to do things. Also a lot of the times you can cheaply fix or prevent issues before they become expensive. Same with Servicing. A lot of places charge £200+ for a simple service when you can do an oil and filter change yourself at home for £30 in under an hour.

  6. Don’t get into craft beer. It’s expensive and highly caloric and you’ll want to catch them all

  7. Listening to the loudest of the crowd. Just because they shoved their way to the front of the room, doesn’t mean they’re right, more important, or correct. Don’t let hivemind and emotional frenzy overwhelm you, be your own person with your own thoughts.

  8. Be suspicious of people who praise you because you’re special because you’re better than “the masses/sheeple/average joes” or whatever.

    They turn out to be either con men who sell you a dream and leave you with less money than you started with, minus time, wealth, and health. The worst are usually anti-social narcissists who want to rationalize their destructive behavior as being a step above the rest.

  9. How they handle the college decision.

    Not everyone’s better off trying to go to a 4-year school right out of high school.

    Or trying to finish in 4 years just because everyone else is finishing in 4 years.

    The student loan system is predatory as hell but I do think one thing that exacerbates the issues is this pressure we put kids under to have their bachelor’s at 22-23, exactly 4 years after graduating high school. Sometimes budget – or even personal maturity – means slowing the process down, doing part-time for a while or taking classes online or at a decent community college is a better idea long-term.

  10. Control yourself. Get exceedingly good at controlling your actions and emotions. When you can calm your mind and maintain focus on your REAL goals, you’re more likely to stay the course.

  11. The convenience of food delivery. You’ll really wish you had the money from all those delivery fees later.

    Edit: lmao, somebody that already spent too much on delivery downvoted me

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