So me (19m), her (19F) matched on tinder and instantly starting having long conversations until we met up approximately 6 weeks after. I know it’s along time to wait but we were both on holiday.

Anyway the first date went really well instantly clicked, 2nd date even better and after that we would see eachother on nights out and atleast another time during the week. (Both very busy with uni)

Anyways 2 months in I ask her where it’s going, and she immediately shuts it down, saying she’s not ready for something serious (she said to my flatmate on a night out she was scared of relationships) and we left it at that. It’s been a week since we spoke but she’s enabled her snap maps just for me, my flatmates checked and shes not there for them. She’s also started liking all my Instagram posts, something that she’s never done before.

I’m thinking about reaching out, but obviously there’s a bit of hesitation.

Thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!

1 comment
  1. You’ve already got on well enough, and she seems to be indirectly reaching out to you. Just ask her out already.

    Maybe you’ll slowly fall into something. If it’s just casually seeing each other and you enjoy your time, then enjoy the time together ( but be prelared for it to be nothing more than that).

    I’m no relationship expert (I’ve never even had a proper relationship…), but I’ve wasted too much time and lost out on too many opportunities with people I like by doing nothing or waiting too long.

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