I (27) have a friend (26) that I met a few months ago. We both really like talking to each other, but I feel like we’re both pretty closed off and a little awkward. We haven’t really opened up to each other much, and the conversations always run kind of dry. Both of us hate talking about ourselves and feel anxious to do so.

When I get nervous, I fire a bunch of unrelated questions to the other person, when they get nervous, they just kind of shut down and don’t talk at all. We seem to have a lot of things in common, but our social anxiety seems to get in the way of us properly connecting. We both put an effort into staying in touch, but it feels like we’re both kind of nervous all the time. I just want to make them feel at ease, but I feel so tense myself

We text all day, every day, we’re also supposed to meet and hang out for the first time soon (we met online), but I’m afraid the same thing will happen where the conversations run dry and we’ll have nothing to talk about.

I do think there might be some romantic tension there, and that might play into it, but I don’t know for sure.

1 comment
  1. If you’re meeting up make sure you guys have some activities lined up so that if you’re not talking much you both still have a good time. Did they plan the meet up? You sure they don’t think it’s some kind of date?

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