What does being a provider means to you?

  1. In a family unit (be it a couple, a nuclear family, or an extended family), in which are all sorts of tasks and chores that need to be accomplished on a regular basis, a provider is someone who spends most of their time generating wealth for the rest of the family. While not their only “chore,” that’s their main one.

  2. To me it’s an offense. I’m not a provider. I’m a partner just like she’s a partner. I’m sure no woman would enjoy being called “provider” in any relationship.

  3. My family brings me their needs and issues and I absorb them, the buck stops at me and there’s no need to question or lament that cause there’s no help on the way

  4. Family, money, security, leadership, and following your own path. Nothing wrong with being a provider if you’re getting value in return. I wouldn’t have a problem being the sole breadwinner for my family.

  5. I say it depends on the culture mate, i lived in multiple countries qnd i have seen different view about this topic.

  6. I think it’s a part of a tried and true method of managing a nuclear family. Now, provider isn’t definitively male, although it is usually. A provider is the primary financial and professional member of the family. In theory, it could be the son or daughter in a family after they have had success. It’s not a male/female role specifically.

    The perk of the strategy is a person can be devoted to the family and not the world outside the home. It’s allows the family to have different but equal roles that encompass more effectively the needs of a family unit.

    If no one is focused on the domestic stuff first, it can be a recipe for disaster and too stressful for all parties.

  7. I pay for all bills, mortgage, phone bills, petrol, MOTs, etc, everything you can think of.

    My wife, who works part time, pays the monthly food shops.

    She works part time because it’s an arrangement we can afford, so she can spend more time with the kids.

    We’re both there for each other, and both there for the kids. The kids, in turn, make our house a home, and made us as a couple into a family, and after 7 years of trying and two rounds IVF, we’re eternally grateful for.

    People take “provider” as the one who brings the cash to table, but in my house, we’re all providers in different ways 👌

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