Under what circumstances would you get back with an ex after years apart?

  1. We’re both single and have grown as people.

    None of my exes were assholes, we just hadn’t figured out what we wanted from life yet.

  2. Probably if it was against my will. Relationships end for a reason, and if they end in the frist place, then that reason must be pretty heavy.

  3. I would only get back together with one Ex. She was one that I broke up with because I was an idiot and afraid of commitment. There was nothing wrong with her. I ghosted her and I’ve felt like shit for years because of it. Every other Ex I’ve had I broke up with for a legitimate reason and wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole.

  4. My exes have a similarity that they LOVE to be right because you will always be wrong. There is no opening for a change of heart.

    Besides I am happily engaged with my fiance.

  5. I can think of a few examples from my father’s generation where widows/widowers reconnected with an ex after losing their spouse. That makes some sense to me that if there was chemistry at one point in life it may be rekindled later in life.

  6. We’ve both grown as people and no longer have the personality faults that led to us breaking up.

    That’s now me’s answer, past me would get back with an ex if they were hot enough.

  7. I’d be open to a second shot with any of the ones where things just weren’t quite clicking but we still cared about each other and remained on good terms. People and circumstances change. Maybe things will go better the second time. I wouldn’t try it with any of the ones with fighting and dramatic breakups.

  8. If they came back into my life somehow and we agreed to try being friends first to see if we still have anything in common.

  9. Depends on the person.

    If they really love me and improved, and didn‘t intentionally or righteously harm me previously (e.g. it was a misunderstanding etc.), then maybe.

  10. There is no true answer to this question.

    I had one ex where we kept getting back together like every 5 years of so.
    I guess the booty played with our minds, cause it always ended the same we.

    So we dated like a total of 4 times in the space of 20 years.
    The next 5 year anniversary is coming up…. wonder if destiny will throw us at each other again, for another lost attempt. lol

  11. Ive tried it twice. Things went exactly the same way after about 3 months. I think people never change very much.

  12. I claim those circumstances don’t exist but I can’t say I wouldn’t make an exception for one of the good exes. But it would have to be one *I* dumped and for something they’ve since changed.

    The bad ones have no such hypothetical opportunity. They get to live with their fuck ups.

  13. She left to work abroad so we broke up. We were like 3-4 months together before she left, so I guess we were not ready for long distance relationship. I guess I would try everything with her again, if life set us together on the same path. I didn’t meet her fully during these 3-4 months but I had a glimpse that she’s something I want to have by my side, as a best friend also. Similar life goals, jokes that only we understand, mutual respect… and not only good things.

  14. She showed immense growth and major changes in her personality. Apologized for the emotipnal abuse she put me through and has shown concrete steps to fix herself in that regard. Gain back about 20 pounds so she’s thicc again and not this skinny version of herself. Groovy604 likes them bigger.

  15. I’ve dated 3 girls in my life

    1: Probably nothing, she had too many red flags and she cheated on her boyfriend with me after we broke up. But we’re homies, no hard feelings. I mean maybe? I don’t know she’s too much of a city girl, so not really my type.

    2: My first love, man if I’m being 100% honest and transparent. I’d take her back in after some time. I’m not sure if I’m truly over her or I just miss the feeling of being in love but, I think if we better our communication and spent more time together physically I’d take her back. (Edit: I wouldn’t get back with her, I can’t entirely recall why we broke up but I do remember her getting really friendly with a guy who LIKED LIKED her and she didn’t do anything about it)

    3: Absolutely nothing, she made me miserable, she had too much trauma, depression and anxiety for me to deal with. I wouldn’t get back with her even if she was 100% healthier. She was just shitty to me, not very caring of my needs only hers because she was going through “more”

  16. Yeah.. still having hopes although she found other guy after 5 months.. damn that was a great woman and i was still acting like a boy

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