My mother (f46) and I (f24) have destroyed our relationship. We used to be SO close, like Gilmore Girls close. In hindsight, probably way too codependent. I always thought of her as my rock, & I knew she had mental health issues (we’re both bipolar, but she’s undiagnosed & in denial), but I never believed anyone when they said what an awful person she was.

Flashback to when I was 21: she just got out of a 5 year relationship/engagement & met this new guy that she used to know in high school. They’d been talking for about 3 weeks when she told me she’d like to introduce us. I was excited, but also weary, as my mom always brought guys in & out of my life. Sometimes I got attached, like to her (ex) fiancé.

We sat in the living room & talked for a few hours. We also drank some adult beverages. I thought he seemed like an okay (but very strange, just a little “off,” if you will) guy. We all go to bed, & the next thing I know, he’s in my room, with no clothes on. He stared at me for a second & left. I went back to sleep, confused, intoxicated, & discombobulated. The next morning, I thought it may have been a dream.

It wasn’t. We sat down for breakfast, & my mom & him were laughing about what he did. They explained that our houses are set up very similarly & his room at his house is where my room was at mine. Plus, he was drinking. I kind of laughed it off, just feeling awkward that I’d seen my mom’s new guy’s junk the first time meeting him.

Here’s where I should mention: I was SA as a young child by my biological father. I have ptsd, bad ptsd.

The next night, he ended up in my bed, cuddling me. I was too tired to even know what was going on, but he realized & left after a few minutes. Then, in the morning, I wake up to him & his junk again staring at me in my doorway. I didn’t have a lock on my door, or that would’ve been used after the first incident. We sat down to breakfast, & again, they’re laughing about the situation. I laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

When he left, I pulled my mom aside & told her he needs to go, meaning break it off. She agrees that the room thing is a problem & says I won’t see him again.

Later, we’re with family, & my mom starts talking about a text he just sent her. I angrily left the room. She didn’t notice.

Flash forward: they’ve been together for 3ish years now. I told my mom that my ptsd was triggered & I didn’t want to be around him. She continuously agreed & then would later go back on her word & bring him around. Long story short, she kicked me out for being disrespectful towards both of them & I am living with my father (adopted, not the one who SA’d me). Her whole family doesn’t understand why I won’t go to any events anymore, or attend anything that he is invited to. They say they don’t understand how I’m so triggered by him, yet laughed off the incidents at first.

I won’t pretend I’m innocent. Since this happened, I’ve said things I never imagined coming out of my mouth to my mother. I intentionally broke her down & made her feel awful out of hurt & rage. I even pushed her once. During our last conversation, I blamed her for my childhood trauma at the hands of my bio father. I told her that her oblivion & denial probably let the abuse go on for as long as it did. I insinuated that she knew the whole time, but didn’t want to deal with it. She admitted that she often lives a life of denial “but not about something like that.”

We don’t talk anymore, other than when it has to do with my dog (who still lives with her. I visit him when they go away & take him frequently during the week for walks & such. I also pay for all of his needs, I just can’t bring him to my dad’s). I just thought I meant more to her than I do. I miss so much who I thought she was. However, I’m beginning to think that the only reason she paid so much attention to me & loved me so much is because I was the only one left who hadn’t seen through her bs. She claims I’m a brat & am just mad that she doesn’t cater to me anymore.

How do I know if she’s a narcissist? How can you have a relationship with a narcissist? How do I know if I am so blinded by my PTSD that I can’t see that the situation wasn’t “a big deal?” How do I know if I’m overreacting? Trust me when I say you don’t know hurt until you’ve lost a parent, in one way or another. I still love her, but I think there may be too much resentment there to ever reconcile. What do I do if she comes back? She has a history of cheating, so I always hoped she’d cheat on him, but she thinks he’s her “one.” This has affected my mental health for so long. I just don’t know what to do.

  1. I’m sorry this has happened to you. I’ve experienced something similar with my mother. I hope you are getting the help you need, but I will say that when it comes to mothers like ours… it is best to just love them from a distance. What happened was not okay & it’s not okay that your mom thought it was funny. Hope you’re okay

  2. What a lousy mother choosing someone similar to your dad over you she will regret it once that dirtbag actual SA somebody I hope that your cousins, aunts and any other female family members keeps there distance

  3. You were not over reacting, your mother’s boyfriend’s behavior was completely out of line. Once was an accident, after that it’s planned. You Mom knew about your previous SA, she knew it’s traumatizing for you. Your mother let you down and I’m sorry. And I’m sorry the pain you’re feeling.

  4. You can’t have an healthy relationship with a narcissist. They will always put themselves firsts and try to make you feel like you are the one in the wrong no matter what is going on

  5. Unfortunately, i bet if apply the knowledge of her being a narcissist to your past, a lot of the things you let go and swept under the rug will illuminate and stand out… This is the way of the Narc.

    She was your best friend when she needed someone, and now you’re the end of the deodorant stick, discarded only because she has a new scent.. if this man was causing HER more problems… You wouldn’t have any, i guarantee that.

    When a person believes they are the protagonist in THE story, and not just THEIR story… It’s a self destructive flop that only enablers keep up, usually at the detriment of themselves.

    It’s unfortunate that you’re here… And it sucks that it is happening, but you can make the best decisions for YOU now that you have this information.. and she can stay close to this turd… But now she can’t hide the fact that she also smells like shit.

    Sorry you’re going through this OP, i hope you find the avenue that works best for you

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