Women, what do you think helps you make better decisions?

  1. Making a list of pros and cons by writing them down and weighing them against each other.

    Sometimes Gut feeling helps too, you choose one and that was that, if it is wrong, then that is a problem for the future you.

  2. Talking it out with a trusted individual. Even if I don’t go as they advise, sometimes just saying all the things helps me get a clearer grasp on it.

  3. Surrounding myself with people I’d like to be like and taking notes on their behavior. If they’re living a life I wouldn’t want for myself I’m careful about the advice I would take from them. I think the people around us can be great guides on what actions lead to what outcome, and this makes you more conscious of how you would feel after taking a certain step or action.

  4. I’ve learned that I need to be in complete solitude, talking the decisions out to myself. If it’s anything relationship related, I may reach out to a friend, but if it has to do with anything money related or career wise, I typically handle those on my own.

  5. Tarot. Jk, jk!!

    Honestly there’s a book I liked called Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath that added a lot of tools to my toolkit when it comes to decision making.

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