Dating has been so underwhleming that I’ve quit multiple times. I want to start up again but im already… irritated?… disinterested?…. disappointed?

I think I am fighting reality at some point. So here’s a few questions I need answered.

1. Ex-girlfriend told me that I should learn to settle. How do you do that?
2. As a guy what is the difference between being chivalrous versus being taken advantage finacially? ( I paying for dinner, I get that but what else is okay to pay for and what is too much?)
3. Is it okay to no longer date people with certain “baggage” or is that selfish?
4. How likely is it to meet a woman in her 30s that doesn’t have kids? Is it more geographical?
5. Any alternatives to dating? Like what if I sold myself into marriage? lol

  1. 1. Don’t settle
    2. If you feel taken advantage of, say something. If she doesn’t listen, you are.
    3. Yes, it’s okay, I had that same prerequisite
    4. Don’t know geographically, but I was a rare from what I heard in being childless.
    5. I doubt selling yourself is easy to find unless your rich or willing to do one of those tv shows (meaning you must be amusing and attractive too).

    As a picky woman in my 30s, dating sucked, but eventually when I just stopped letting my standards slip away, aka thinking settling was an option, I did find one. Also in his 30s, no baggage, and we have a baby on the way. So there is hope. Good luck and don’t give up too soon.

  2. No reason to have dinner on dates. Sitting and staring across a table from someone is a poor date. Do activities or meet and just spend time together walking around.

  3. Settle, no – learn to live in reality, yes. Really good connection isn’t immediate – it takes time and should build and grow.

    I’m curious, how would you feel if a woman didn’t want you to pay for dinner?

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