So there’s this girl that is always being an A-hole towards me,she be sitting next to me and ruining my belongings, doesn’t let me focus in classes, always being well disgusting. I always tell her to stop but she straight up insults me and telling me “It’s none of my business”, she sometimes asks me questions like do you go outside, I reply with no because it’s cozy inside and relaxing, she straight calls me a sick and go see a therapist, like bitch you the one who asked. I really don’t know how to deal with these types of people

  1. Best thing you can do is not react to her. The more you react to her, the more you’re enabling her to act worse towards you to get your attention. Use reverse psychology. Instead of getting upset/angry with her, start taking it as a joke and laugh with them only for a moment and then go on to do your business with your friends. Make her feel as if she’s being immature by acting like a mature person. That’s when she’ll get that it’s getting boring and she’ll leave you alone.

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