What do you love today as a grown woman that you didn’t love growing up as a little girl?

  1. Weirdly, driving! I hated going on road trips as a kid, but now (well, at least when gas wasn’t so expensive) I drive around for fun.

    Though mostly I chalk this up to my dad having terrible taste in music and/or us being forced to listen to audio books for 12 hrs straight (no conversation, just Enders Game [ew])

  2. Feminine things. I was very “not like other girls” until I realised I can like dresses and Disney films and still play video games.

  3. Dresses. Hated them as a kid because I always associated them with fancy events that weren’t fun.

    Now, it’s my laziest outfit and the comfiest thing I wear.

  4. I recall not being fond of cranberry or grapefruit, but I like them both quite a bit as an adult.

  5. Clothes thats more feminine. As a girl learning I should hide my body to men it taken years to just being comfortable having clothes that is more feminine to say.

  6. Hard liquor. Cooking. A clean house. Feminine clothing. Poetry. Ted Talks/seminars/podcasts/audiobooks. Sex. Alone time.

  7. Going to sleep, cooking, several foods (namely bell peppers, boiled eggs and dark chocolate).

  8. Myself.

    My parents were abusive and I learned very early on that I was unlovable. It took a lot of therapy and going no contact with my family of origin for me to finally accept myself as deserving of love.

  9. Plants!! My grandma on my dad’s side was a master gardner on top of planting these amazing field size flower beds each year. She was always winning awards and also trying to teach me and I just didn’t care At All.

    During COVID I discovered a love of plants and it has continued to be a much loved hobby. I would give anything for even an ounce of the knowledge she had. She passed away in 2013.

    Also, period piece dramas. I thought they seemed stuffy and boring and now I can’t get enough of them.

  10. Vegetables 🥕 i used to hate them as a kid now as an adult I eat a minimum of meat or fast food. So I am Totally the opposite now😂

  11. Sleep is now my most favorite thing in the world! As a kid I fought against naps & as a young adult I used to take pride in how much I could get done by skimping on sleep. I also felt obligated to listen or help when people called or messaged late at night.

    Sleep deprivation takes a cumulative toll on your mind and body & I felt awful. Now I’m firm about my bedtime, have a relaxing “winding down” routine & overnight my phone is on “do not disturb,” where only people I choose can get through & they won’t message at 2AM just because they are bored.

  12. Tights. They used be itchy garments that would slide down my thighs and I would spend all day pulling them back up and I’d get scolded if I got a run in them. And I would alway have to wear them to fancy occasions where I had to sit still and be quiet for longer than I could handle.

    But now tights come in softer, smoother textures and I can go as many sizes up as I want to ensure they’re long enough, tights are more durable nowadays and if I get a run in them, they get downgraded to a bonus thermal layer. And I don’t often frequent events where I’m supposed to get dressed up.

  13. I used to hate underpants and ANYTIME my mom made me wear them I’d secretly remove them OR lower them to my thighs 🥴 now I love them

  14. Not talking to anyone and staying home. Growing up I was never home, if I spent even one day home I was miserable. Now I fucking cherish that shit. No reason to leave the house or socialize? Fantastic. I love my little time alone.

  15. My parents. It’s not that I didn’t love them before. But I just miss and appreciate them so much more as an adult.

    I’m very fortunate to have them with me still, but they just live in a different state. I hug them a little tighter, tell them I love them a lot more often, and generally look after them as much as I can – just to make up for what a pain in the ass daughter I was haha.

  16. Meanwhile, I really like cold showers. Always hated it, but nowadays, it helps me cleaning out my headspace and kinda feeling like a new person. I enjoy it a lot.

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