Have you ever been assumed to be a Player? Why or why not?

  1. I’ve been called a player or a fuckboy a pile of times for being upfront about what I’m looking for on dating apps. I suspect its usually frustration because women wanted a relationship and I didn’t (either at all at the time or at least not with them specifically).

    Ironically if you are just upfront and honest about it you are far more likely to be called those things. If you actually “play” them you don’t have to deal with it, you just bang them for awhile and fade out when they start to push for more. If women actually thought about it they probably should be doing the opposite if they want to encourage guys to be honest.

  2. Yes,

    Because i had commitment issues.

    Only thing was is i was up front about not wanting commitment. Fuck boys lie about it.

  3. Even at my most prolific, nobody called me that, but I think that’s because I don’t really play games when it comes to people. What you see is what you get.

  4. I’m 6 feet and very muscular with decent Looks and good fashion sense I’ve heard this from both girls and guys that they think of me as a player/fuckboy that’s nowhere true

  5. Yes, because I tend to get a lot of attention; but truth be told, like every guy, I am “friendzoned” more often than not. One day a dude at work asked me how to get women because he sees so many hanging on me. I had to admit, “How would I know, I haven’t been inside one for months.”

  6. I have, but yeah as someone else mentioned, the term was “fuckboy”

    This was from a girl I hooked up with a few times. But I don’t get it because we’d meet at parties, hook up, and then not really talk until the next time we ran into each other. She never tried texting me or anything more seriously, and neither did I. I know for a fact that she also hooked up with a few of my friends. I didnt care, I had no feelings towards her, I was just living the college life.

    Anyway, she started calling me a fuckboy as if I did her dirty or something. No idea why.

  7. I’ve been called a player and casanova before in the past. It’s never stopped me from getting dates in the past. If anything it actually helped me get more women. It’s like trying to buy a $20k car with a millionaire cosigner.

  8. Yes, I had many options and I did the break thing rather then cheat and was assumed a player because I went from one to another. Funny thing is they didn’t care until I did the break to them and they started talking shit with the new girl. Rinse repeat till I found one that was marriage material

  9. Of course. It was weird because we never really talked about my free time, but the second I mentioned that I own a gaming pc it was pretty clear for them.

  10. Yes, many times. At first it was flattering in a way, but when it’s to the point when you really like a woman and she can’t trust you then it fucking sucks. I never mislead nor cheated on a woman in my life. I’ve slept with quite a bit of women, but that doesn’t mean i am the type who’s always on the hunt trying to rack up body counts and will say anything to get what i want. The women I’m most interested in always make me feel like I have to go above and beyond to prove I’m not. I’m done with that shit. Next one assumes that, then I’ll just be like whatever and she can take a hike.

  11. Yup, people thought I was banging all my female friends when I’m not nearly that cool. I just happened to have a lot of female friends and I wasn’t bad looking.

  12. Yes, my wife thought I was a player. I was seeing multiple girls when her and I met, and my intentions were to just pick one and carry on. She likes to brag that she stole me from another girl, but I’m not sure which one she’s referring to. Realistically she stole me from 3 other girls.

  13. Yes, when I was younger a coworker accused me of being a player. I was seeing her friend and an another acquaintance of hers at the same time and she figured it out. I was also being flirtatious with her as well, which is why she made the statement.

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