Just read up on this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mockery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mockery)

That being said, even though it depends on context and prior relationship, I’m curious to learn how to pick up on this faster. Is this a matter of picking up on the experience and making educated guesses quickly?

  1. pick up on their intentions. If they intend to make you look like shit or feel like shit you’re being mocked. In american humor it’s also really common to rip on someone else’s quircks. There’s a way to do it if it’s all in good humor. It’s *obviously a joke* and this ripping on each other is going 2 ways. Now if someone is ripping on you and it’s oddly cruel and they take offense to you ripping on them even light-heartedly, then it’s pretty obvious they’re mocking you.

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