I’m quite introverted and I’ve has very close friends, but I recently moved to a new city. Now I’m at a new school with new people. I always eat by myself at lunch. I don’t really talk in group projects. When I look around, it looks like everyone already has their friend group. I’m a nice person and I’m good at listening in conversations, I smile when people look at me (sometimes) and I’m also good with names. I just suck at making conversation, and when I do make conversation it’s always really short. How do I get better at starting conversations and also keep conversationg going, like naturally?

1 comment
  1. People love talking about themselves. Just ask them about their hobbies, dreams,aspirations and then LISTEN to what they’re saying. You can hear them mention key words that you can then ask about and have them keep talking.

    For books I’d recomend How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

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