Straight men, if a guy in your friendship group was hitting on the rest of you, what would you do?

  1. I’m gay so I will answer this from my perspective. If someone is being sexual and they know that the other person isn’t interested but they do it anyway, then that’s sexual harassment. It’s creepy and that person clearly has boundary issues. So the only response is to remove that person from the group permanently.

  2. I would just tell him straight up don’t, it makes us uncomfortable, not because you’re gay but because we’re straight. If he doesn’t stop, he’s not in our friendship group anymore. It’s no more complicated than you let it be.

  3. If he doesn’t understand that no means no, he’s not going to be in the friend group for long.

  4. Laugh at the poor bastard? Make fun of both of them? If you can’t give your friends shit, are they really your friends?

  5. Unless it was a one off drunk mistake and he apologized, that would be the end of that person in my group of friends.

  6. Nothing. I want to see who else is closeted and pose the age old question “Why are you geh?” /s

  7. I’m in the military so probably not care… the words of my gay colleague “Y’all Straight people say some shit that makes me seem straight and I’m super gay”
    So yup lol

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