Tonight I’d nipped into local supermarket, a little later so the after work rush was done and therefore shelves had been emptied a bit.
I was at the bakery bit for bread and then was aware of two people shouting at each other just down the aisle, turns out there were no rolls left so one guy had dipped the other guys trolley for his while he walked away to get something else.
I didn’t know what to think lol I’ve never seen this happen before!

  1. I bring a babygro for anything bulky I’d like to place in my trolley without having to worry

  2. Nope
    I’ve been asked once when I took the last 3 items off the shelf:
    Can I have one?

  3. During the first lockdown when a not insignificant chunk of the population decided to bulk buy loo roll for some reason, a woman reached into my trolley and took my 4 pack of quilted velvet own brand.

    I was livid, she had several large packages of the stuff, and I just had a 4 pack I genuinely needed because I was down to the last roll at home.

    Got it back off her but, still.

  4. No, but fair enough. I’m peaceful as fuck but if someone nicked the last of something out of my trolley i’d absolutely kick off on them.

  5. no but a guy temporarily knicked my phone yesterday night whilst i was in A&E to take thrrr pics of himself lying in his hospital bed. fuck knows

  6. My aunt had a turkey nicked out of her trolley a day or 2 before Christmas once. None left in the shop.

  7. I’m guilty of the opposite – when I see a friend in the supermarket and they haven’t noticed me I will tend to try to slip something odd into their trolley when they aren’t looking.

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