Sometimes when I am trying to make friends, there is the issue where I have to deal with people talking a lot. Though it has been awhile, I do remember having some issues with it. For one thing, people usually mostly talking about themselves, and while it is interesting to learn about this, I don’t really get to ask questions. More importantly, they don’t really ask about me, and that sort of makes me feel sad (although I feel like people in general don’t really ask about others, unless it is related to the conversation). I still wanna be friends with them (either for the sake of making friends or because we share a common interest) , but I don’t really know how to deal with this issue if it arises. How is your guys experience with people that talk a lot, and how do you deal with them?

1 comment
  1. if they are constantly talking about themselves, it’s okay to loop the topic back to something involving yourself when the time allows. for example if the person is talking about their pets, you can bring up your pets as a way to relate to the person and also share more about yourself. it doesn’t always work in every situation depending on the topic and how appropriate it may or may not be to derail the conversation, but it’s what i tend to do when i have a hard time getting personal otherwise.

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