So I struggle interpreting my feelings I know this for a fact, so before I jumped into anything this time and got overwhelmed I really took the time to interpret what I was feeling. And I really like this girl she’s so weird and funny, and just makes me happy everytime that we talk. I just don’t know if or even how I should go about telling her how I feel. She’s a great friend and I’d hate to lose her, but I’d also hate for another situation to come up where I ignore my feelings and they end up finding out before I say anything. That ruined me last time because I didn’t really have the opportunity to actually express anything it was just found out.

So like what should I do, we are only talking on line so far because well that’s where we met, but like we are that far away from each other so I do feel comfortable possibly seeing how things could go. Ok I’m kinda getting sidetracked because I’m freaking out and getting anxious but I just need to know what my next step should be. Sorry if this was unclear at all but I’m .ore than happy to answer any questions in the comments.

I’m also like super shy and timid or whatever and get really anxious in social situations so I really don’t know how to get myself to do this or even work up the nerve to do so. So as a result I’m freaking out even more.

TLDR-I I’ve been talking to this girl for a couple months now and I’ve determined that I have feelings for her, but I don’t know what my next step should be.

  1. It’s a tough one dude.

    Been in this situation a few times myself where you both have been speaking and don’t really know where they stand but I always try and meet the person and gauge how things go from there. You can tell SO much more from face to face meets, do something fun and that you both enjoy, coffee, food etc. Take it from there, do this a couple of times. Compliment her but not overly, say her hair looks good or you like her make up. Simple things. Once you have this basis of 2-3 meets then it will give you an actual view of what the situation is.

    Don’t do this before you meet them, because going through that effort and having that initiative to ask to see them and arranging a ‘date’ with them, will look much more attractive than hiding behind a screen.

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