How often do you think about the nearest major city outside of your metro? the nearest state?

  1. I’m in a sort of midway point between Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa. I guess Orlando would be the closest, but I’m in their TV market. But of the others I rarely think about them, unless I have to drive through Jacksonville.

  2. Nearest major city is Baltimore which is the area I’m from so I think about it often. Nearest state is new Jersey which I go to regularly so also often, but probably not as often

  3. I live about four miles from Detroit, my nearest major city so I guess I think about it almost as often as I think of my own city. Chicago is a fairly close large city that I only think about in regards to my work,

    I live far closer to Canada than my nearest neighboring state, Ohio. I guess I think about Canada more often because I have more friends there.

  4. Well I live in Washington, in which the major anchor city is Seattle. But, I live 15 minutes from the Oregon border and 25 minutes from Portland, which is Oregon’s biggest city. I cross a state border about once a week on average, and both Portland and Seattle get mentioned regularly by virtue of one being close and the other being politically relevant.

  5. The nearest metro area is more than 4 hours from my small town of 2,000 people.

    I only go there if I am catching a connecting flight to somewhere else.

  6. Pretty often, one state over the city isn’t doing too well. I like to go to that state . Taxes are lower and it’s not as crowded. I have been thinking of going to a store in that city for a few months. My parent also has a house there.

  7. I live in a major city, Washington, DC, so I think of the next closest one, Baltimore, a few times a month in terms of concerts or events I might want to go to there. A long time ago I lived in Baltimore and I like the possibility of doing things in either city. In terms of nearby states, DC is located right in between MD and VA and our metro area is made up of towns in all three jurisdictions, so I think of those states every day.

  8. I live smack dab middle between San Diego and Phoenix so it’s 50/50.

    Although Mexicali is only an hour away so there’s that too, so, Funnily the nearest metro area is OCONUS.

  9. Unfortunately I have to think about Chicago fairly often because they control most of the politics within the state.

  10. I live in the greater St. Louis area, about 30 miles from the city so i do think about it quite a bit. Especially considering my German teacher is a slum lord in the city.

    The next nearest major city would be Kansas City (the good one). I don’t really think about it too much but I do still think about it. Although it’s about the same distance but slightly less than Chicago and Chicago is a fair bit bigger so I do tend to think about Chicago a bit more.

    The nearest State is Illinois and I think about it a bit as I do have quite a bit of family in the state.

  11. Now, I live in Seattle. And the answer is very rarely. The nearest major city outside my metro is either Portland (over 3 hours south) or Vancouver (2.5 hours north and in a different country.) Both are largely irrelevant to me.

    When I lived in a large town in the Midwest, I would think about Indianapolis (1 hour south) or Chicago (3 hours northwest) all the time, mostly because those were much more major cities than the one I was in. There were tons of things I could find or do in Indianapolis I couldn’t do at home, and just as many things I could find or do in Chicago I couldn’t do in Indianapolis, so they were very relevant.

    Whereas in Seattle, there’s nothing I can do in Portland or Vancouver I couldn’t do right here. They’re a little different (to be honest not very), but they’re not _more_.

  12. I’m in southwest Montana, which means every city is 6-12 hours away. Salt lake is 6. Denver is 10. Seattle is 10. Minneapolis is 14. Vegas is 17. Phoenix is 19. Calgary is 9.

  13. I don’t know if where I live (Fairbanks) is considered a “metro,” but I have family and friends who live in Anchorage, so it, or some aspect of it, is in my thoughts almost daily. The nearest state is Washington, which I don’t give much though to except that I have to pass through Seattle if I’m flying to anywhere in the lower 48.

  14. Nearest state, only about once in the winter when I take the family up to go play in the snow for a couple days. Though we generally stay more on the California side.

    Nearest metro, fairly often. I have an office there, so I sometimes go spend a few days working out of the office. I also have a bunch of family that live in that metro.

  15. My internship and school is over in Tennessee so I guess I think about some. I would definitely say Memphis is the nearest major city near me and I have family, property, and legal residency over there.

  16. I never think about the nearest major city. I think about the nearest state pretty often since it’s really close to where I go snowboarding or skiing in the winter.

  17. Often. The nearest metro city is in the next nearest state. They just so happen to be my home state and city which I’m rather fond of. I like where I live now, it’s a nice little town. But I love my home city as well and think of it fondly.

  18. Outside of my own metro? I don’t live in a metro area. The nearest major city is maybe Portland but in national terms it’s not major.

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