Edit: Maybe I should be asking r/oldpeople

  1. I do not remember that but I guess it wouldn’t surprise me.

    Businesses in some places are still not open on Sundays, ever. For example, near where I grew up, Bergen County NJ (with a population close to 1 million, just miles from New York City) still has “blue laws” that restrict the sales of “nonessential” goods on Sundays, including liquor and clothing.

  2. Most the family owned/small businesses here aren’t even open on Good Friday. In the corporate world, I know a lot of companies that are closed too.

  3. I was born and raised in the Bible Belt and I have never encountered this. Some places may close early on Good Friday but nothing like this.

  4. Am 48. Don’t recall this ever being a thing. many things were open even on Easter Sunday when I was a kid.

  5. I think you might be confusing Good Friday with Ash Wednesday here.

    I’ve never seen those specific hours but a lot of businesses would close early on Good Friday when I was young. It was pretty common for businesses to close around lunch time so people could go and get ashes on Ash Wednesday though.

  6. There are a lot of businesses that close for the whole day. Don’t recall 12-3 being anything in particular.

  7. I have Good Friday off and it’s literally listed as “Good Friday” on the calendar. I was kind of surprised since I work for a big company.

  8. Yes, I do. Banks were the most bothersome. And Ash Wednesday, people needing off throughout the day to get their dots placed.

    On the East Coast, a lot of states took off “Easter Monday” , also.

  9. I don’t remember businesses closing at those specific times, but being closed for good Friday was a thing.

  10. As an adult I had to Google what Good Friday actually was.

    My area isn’t that religious.

  11. I’ve never known of any business that wasn’t a church or a bakery doing anything for good friday.

  12. You definitely should be asking r/OldPeople

    Also: I think that only happened in predominantly Catholic areas

  13. no but I also don’t make a habit of shopping at those times on fridays so who’s to say. my parents did enforce some solemnity and quiet from 12-3 on good friday when I was a kid (catholic family and I guess this was easier than keeping two kids occupied for a three hour church service lmao) so it makes sense to me that this would have been a thing at one point.

  14. Maybe in Michigan but this was never a thing in NYC, or at least if it was then in most have stopped before the 70s.

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