How did you know it was time to stop putting your effort into a friendship where the effort was not reciprocated?

  1. When I wasn’t invited to the wedding and found out via social media. We had been friends for over a decade. I wouldn’t probably even have gone, if the concern was to keep it small, but would have at least received an announcement to sent a gift and congratulations. I figured it was time to end efforts in the friendship.

  2. I couldn’t remember the last time they contacted me first. It’s a small thing, but definitely makes me feel like they don’t want to talk to me, so it’s better to take a step back.

  3. When the niggling feelings got so loud I couldn’t ignore them anymore and had to face reality.

  4. I recently learned this. I know i’m being petty, but when they were down and had problems, they looked for me, i was their clown and their listener. But when i was pushing people away, none of them come forward to ask if i was doing ok. It went on for months. And the first text i received after several months was them asking for help. I gave benefit of the doubt still. But last week, i texted them again, and the response was just a nail on the coffin. I realise they’ve moved on, and i haven’t. So…. yeah. Should’ve ditched realised, they exhausted me, and my energy.

  5. When I was the only one initiating contact and after meeting them being mentally drained. Other things too but that was the main reason I had to let go

  6. She was sad, so i planned out an entire day of all of her favourite things – picnic date, shopping, painting each other gifts, cheap drinks and pizza. I even made sandwiches.

    She bailed last minute coz she was too drunk from a previous party that i was not invited to

  7. She didn’t seem as interested once I wasn’t as sad, I got a boyfriend and started a degree. I felt only good to her to make her feel better.

    Anytime we did meet, she would try to put down my achievements.

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