Bestfriend can’t save money

My bestfriend (20) of 6 years for at least the past year and a half has had almost consistently had no money whenever we go out. Now they work less than 35 hours a week because they go to college so I obviously wouldn’t expect them to have as big a budget as me who usually does 40-40plus hours a week,

Whenever we hang out they have a tendency to want to eat out as opposed to wanting to cook something together instead though it usually is a cheap place they want to go to. But whenever I see them post about hanging out woth there other friends I see that they (my friend) I’d the one usually driving and is also buying stuff like records, more fast food, candy, clothes, and random stuff that seem like impulse buys. Or lately they have also been going out to concerts with their other friends and buy merchandise at them.

They also buy weed what seems like every week and is more than willing to share it with their other friends. Now I don’t see any problem with smoking occasionally but my friend is doing it every day at night and now starting to do it in the mornings as well. I’ve tried to bring it up that maybe they shouldn’t be doing it every day and have told them when they mention that they don’t have any money for food or gas to go places that they could maybe just not buy weed the next day but they either say “no?” In a tone that makes it sound like it’s such a strange idea to them. Or they try and play it off with a joke.

I wanted to ask for advice because I’m not sure if this is just me looking to far into this or if my friend is just bad with money. I’ve tried to bring it up in the past because everytime my friend has their bank app open I always see that there’s no money in their savings and hardly anything in their checking. My friend usually responds with “Oh well I have to pay for my car and gas” or “well I have to buy food.” My friend also lives with their family and while they don’t all always get along their parents will usually buy them snacks or groceries to make stuff or theor mom even cooks so that my friend can meal prep for at least a day or 2.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments because I might have accidentally left out some details.
TL;DR My friend has an expensive lifestyle while in college and had no savings.

  1. You’ve given your friend your honest opinion which seems like a very reasonable one. Unfortunately that’s all you can really do. If they don’t want to take your advice on board that’s on them. I think if you keep pushing the subject you might be met with a negative response as while it isn’t directly affecting you it isn’t really your business how your friends spend their money.

  2. >I wanted to ask for advice because I’m not sure if this is just me looking to far into this or if my friend is just bad with money.

    They’re definitely bad with money, but it’s not really your problem to deal with is it?

  3. Your friend is bad with money. Some people just are. They may change as they get older but they may not.

    You can’t change them. I’d say just be careful about getting into things with them where their lack of money will be a problem. Renting a place together would be a bad idea because they likely wouldn’t be good at paying the bills. Avoid lending them money – it can mess up friendships.

  4. Yes, she seems bad with money. However, this is (unfortunately) common at her age. She will get a reality check eventually. In the meantime, you did all you can do. You voiced your concerns, and she dismissed them. It sucks to see people you care about make poor life choices, but there’s also nothing you can do about it either.

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