Instead of saying “i’m gonna c*m” or anything like that he’ll say he’s gonna oink himself and oink all over the place, it unsettles me a lot and I’m wondering if it’s breakup worthy? I’d feel so terrible ending it over that but he won’t stop, the latest line was “this piggy’s gonna oink himself”

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  2. Welp, no smexy time unless we can call it by what everyone calls it, that’s really cringe and I’m sure would be a big turn off or laugh to some people, however some people might like it, just saying so I don’t make people feel bad it’s just an uncommon thing to call it that

  3. Well I guess you have no choice except to cluck like a chicken as soon as he starts making moves

  4. Why did you date a piggy if you can’t handle the oink?

    Have you talked with him about it? You gotta be able to confront him and talk about your issues. Anything is breakup worthy but only if communication has been exhausted and compromise/satisfaction isn’t possible.

  5. Oh god oh fuck I’m gonna oooiiiink

    Okay yeah I see how this could be a dealbreaker. That’s not a person, that’s an alien in a skin suit.

  6. You need to tell him how much this turns you off. Good sex requires the right vibe, and his oinking is killing the vibe for you. Tell him how turned off you are because bad sex is definitely a good reason to dump somebody.

  7. Well this little piggy is gonna go back to the tinder market so… Sooey you later. That’ll do pig, that’ll do.

  8. I’m gonna oiiiinkkkkk!!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeee

    Beautiful. I couldn’t imagine something more erotic than the thought of a man squealing like a pig as he cums.

  9. I can’t even describe the expression of horror this brings to my face. What is he, like 11?

  10. Dude that kids mad annoying, you should let him find someone else to make him “oink” .. so cringey omg

  11. It might be seen as shallow but nah, this would %100 be a dealbreaker for me. So weird and uncomfortable.

  12. First of all, I’d like to kindly ask what the fuck?! Second of all, my fiance is reconsidering getting married due to me making jokes about saying this.

    That said, I have an idea. Right before he… oinks… ask him in your best SpongeBob voice, “Are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs?” I feel like that is the best solution.

  13. This seriously made me **snort**.

    Although I think it’s a bunch of **hogwash**, I’ll have you know that at least you’re lucky your SO isn’t **boaring** you in bed.

    He may just be having some fun, but it does seem rather annoying, I’ll **grunt** you that.

    Just please, if you dump him over this, don’t **squeal** on him to his friends, it might be embarrassing.

    Good luck, **babe**

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