What’s the funniest moment you had?

  1. Oh damn, all kinds of them. Life is humerus!

    Here is one I love. I drive a concrete truck. Trucks use chutes about 4 foot long to put concrete on the ground. Three can be used.

    Pouring in an alley, a bit if a rise in front if me, about 2%. Had front left if truck in some lilac bushes and crew poring behind me. Stopped poring while they graded stuff they pored. Three kids in bikes come down the alley. Go on right side of truck. Kid one goes behind truck and cones out. Kid two, as I see it in mirror, disappears behind the truck…bike comes out followed by a shoe flying after it, second shoe goes up out of sight. I jump out of the truck and Kid is lying on the ground, acting like he is just coming to from bring knocked out. (Third Kid stopped).

    We get Kid upright, find his shoes others tell him he is alright. They get back on their bikes and leave. They are out of sight and we start dying of laughter. Crew said he didn’t duck, turn his head, just slammed face first into the chutes! Damn near flipped him up into the chutes.

    Some Saturdays are better than others!!

  2. Talking with my friends about all kinds of stuff during Math class, then realizing our teacher heard all of it. Thankfully she didn’t tell her colleagues.

    And a friend & I once clogged a public toilet whilst becoming blood siblings (no it‘s not as weird as it sounds, it was just lots of toilet paper and the other stuff accidentally fell into it as well).

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